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發表於 2018-8-6 07:58:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre in partnership with the ‘I Can’ Foundation will be providing free Hair and Beauty training courses for single mothers in Ruimveldt and other surrounding and impoverished communities.The course is expected to run for a period of 12 weeks and would cater for at least 60 women each week. The classes are scheduled to be held at the Children’s Centre in Ruimveldt from 13:00hrs to 15:00hrs. It will cover areas such as hair styling, manicures, pedicures and beauty treatments.Some of the children of the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre pose with several stakeholders.The course will be administered by Ms. Malinda Marks, a professional hair and beauty teacher.Individuals interested in enrolling in the course can make contact with Shabakie Fernandes from the ‘I Can’ Foundation on telephone number 672-1930, or Jessica Hatfield from the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre on 695-9065.Earlier this month, Guyana Goldfields donated a sum of money to both the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre and the ‘I Can’ Foundation. The money donated has already gone towards this Hair and Beauty training project.The ‘I Can’ Foundation is an organization that seeks to reach out to various communities to provide information, as part of its vision to transfer knowledge on social issues to these communities. To achieve this, the body has already visited and has started working with communities on the various troubling issues like child sexual abuse, trafficking in persons and community life competence.“Through considerable work with women, men and girls, the ‘I Can’ Foundation understands that persons of all ages are in danger of becoming victims to many social ills. Many live with some degree of fear, and many lose their identity or do not realize their potential because of the social ills affecting them. The ‘I Can’ Foundation is committed to addressing these social ills by increasing awareness, encouraging assertiveness, and helping persons recognize they are worth the effort to secure and preserve,” the entity’s mission statement emphasised.“By offering these courses, women who had little chance of finding regular employment can work at hours to suit them and generate income for their families,” said Shabakie Fernandes, founder of the Foundation, who explained that single parents would usually find it difficult to provide for their children, as many of them do not possess the required educational background to acquire employment that would enable them to earn a decent wage.Both the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre and the ‘I Can’ Foundation are hoping that upon completion of the course, the women will acquire skill, hope, and encouragement to be their own entrepreneurs.“We are enthused to be working with the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre to educate, empower,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, and promote the self-worth and self-esteem of these women to be in control of their lives and their earning capacity,” Fernandez said.Meanwhile, Jessica Hatfield, Patron of the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre, yesterday explained that “This is a very exciting development for the Ruimveldt Children’s  Aid Centre as we fulfill our obligations to the children we care for by empowering their mothers to earn income and thus increasing the quality of their family life. We are looking forward to working with the ‘I Can’ Foundation as we have shared objectives and commitment. By working together we can be more effective in realizing our common goals by helping those who are really in need.”She also added that both entities are grateful to Guyana Goldfields for the funds donated to help with the launching of the Beauty Course for parents in needThe Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre (RCAC) is an established centre for disadvantaged children in the local area. It has an emphasis on cultural activity to stimulate the minds of children and encourage their development. It has a daily nutrition programme that feeds around 60 children each day and a programme of activities 7 days a week. Monday to Friday there is dance tuition, choir practice, after school lessons, career development, and counseling for those children who need a quiet space with a trained counselor with whom they can share their problems and receive advice.The Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre is dependent on donations from corporate organizations and public spirited citizens, locally and abroad.

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