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發表於 2018-8-7 00:06:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-six-year old Reeyaz Ally, of 387 Block X Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara appeared before Magistrate Leslie Sobers at the Providence Magistrate’s Court, East Bank Demerara yesterday to answer to the charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, dangerous driving, breaching traffic lights and failing to stop after an accident.It is alleged that on January 28, the defendant was driving motorcar PHH 1328 under the influence of alcohol to the extent of not being able to operate a motor-vehicle properly and after having a breathalyser test conducted it was revealed that Ally’s blood contained 114 micrograms of alcohol.The defendant, who was represented by Attorney-at-law Maxwell McKay,NFL Jerseys China, pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $7,500 by Magistrate Sobers which he was required to pay immediately.He was cautioned by the Magistrate that if he is found driving under the influence of alcohol a second time, the defendant’s license would be suspended and if a third occasion arose, his license would be revoked.It was also alleged that on the said date, Ally who was on his way home while travelling on the Eccles Public Road, East Bank Demerara, drove his motor-vehicle PHH1328 in a manner dangerous to the public. The defendant pleaded not guilty.Police Prosecutor, Corporal Gordon Mansfield, told the court that while Ally was committing the act on the Eccles Public Road, he also breached the traffic light signal where traffic lights were erected in the said area.Because of this, Ally’s vehicle collided with another vehicle, motor-car HB 4807. The court was told by the driver of motor-car HB 4807 that he and Ally settled the matter on the evening in question.Also, the defendant was alleged to have failed to stop after an accident. It was explained by the Prosecutor that after having ended up in an accident with motor-vehicle HB 4807, as the defendant was approaching the Demerara Harbour Bridge and was turning, he was again involved in another accident, this time with a motor-cycle resulting in the driver being seriously injured.The court was further told that after the last accident occurred, instead of rendering assistance, Ally drove his vehicle in an attempt to ‘flee the scene’ and continued his journey across the Demerara Harbour Bridge, where he was apprehended by police ranks.Ally pleaded not guilty to this charge as well.His lawyer told the court that his client did stop after the accident but because of ‘the belligerent crowd’, Ally became fearful and left the scene.Maxwell in his application for bail asked that the bail be set in a reasonable sum since his client has no previous convictions and has a stable job.The defence attorney continued that Ally, who is the Information Technology Manager at Gizmos and Gadgets, is not married and lives with his mother at Cornelia Ida, WCD.He further stated that his client admitted that he was driving under the influence of alcohol when the incidents occurred but did not try to flee the scene after the second accident.Prosecutor Mansfield did not object to bail but asked that bail be set in a substantial sum, since the victim of the second accident was hospitalised and sustained broken bones.The Prosecutor added that although the victim has been discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the police have been unable to locate him as to ascertain information about the incident and injuries which he sustained.Magistrate Sobers set bail in the sum of $100,000 for the dangerous driving charge and $25,000 each for the charges of breaching traffic lights and failing to stop after an accident.The Magistrate also endorsed the defendant’s license on the date of conviction (January 31, 2011) and confiscated the licence until the matters are concluded. The defendant is scheduled to make his next court appearance on March 21.

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