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發表於 2018-8-7 11:25:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At a cost of $19.4 M, the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown (M&CC) will undertake the rehabilitation works on a number of bridges in the city.According to a release issued by the municipality yesterday, the areas that will benefit from the works programme are Albouystown, Charlestown, West Ruimveldt, East Ruimveldt, Rahaman’s Park, and Campbellville.It was noted that, so far, bridges at Hill and Sussex Streets and La Penitence have been completed at a cost of approximately $1.9M.Recently, Deputy Mayor Robert Williams disclosed that about $9M will be expended within the next month to construct 15 bridges in the city.Work on several of these bridges has already commenced along Sussex Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and on those bridges that serve as linkages between Laing Avenue and West Ruimveldt.He disclosed that funding for the bridge works was sourced from the 2008 subvention which was afforded the municipality from Central Government.According to the release, the council is urging residents of the target communities to help monitor the operations of the contractors and to do everything practicable to assist with the maintenance of the bridges.“In the past, municipal bridges, walkways and other thoroughfares were misused by a handful of citizens who apparently did not care about the time and resources involved…,” the release stated.However, it was emphasised that there appears to be a renewed interest in the maintenance of such facilities in local communities.“This is good, because it gives the council more time to focus on other developmental works in the city.”Meanwhile, it was disclosed that the City Engineer’s Department has intensified its drainage operations in Section K, Campbellville.According to information from the municipality, members of the drainage division have started to desilt the drains in that area.Drainage workers have also been dispatched to North Cummingsburg and other wards in the city, the release added.Plans have also been engaged by the municipality to effect repairs to Middleton Street, which is in a state of disrepair.“The council wishes to thank citizens for their patience with the delays to fix this road,” the release further noted.

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