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Alexander Mogilny Jersey we2gajsp









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發表於 2018-8-8 01:41:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Imagine that these days when de Americans want deport somebody dem got to find dem own plane. Guyana ain’t even got plane to carry out dem people who either want to go out for business or fuh carry back people from wheh dem come. Suh who expect dem fuh get plane to bring in people dem ain’t want?Imagine people does line up at de embassy fuh a visa because dem want to give dem children a break. Some of dem actually borrow money fuh buy de ticket. But something does happen to de children because is often not a bed of roses.Well de Americans decide to get rid of nearly two dozen of dem. De last time dat happen,Air Max Scontate Donne, dem just land de plane pun de airstrip and let off de deportees because Guyana was mekking styles. Was near madness because dem deportees run all over de place.Then another time dem did send a big plane wid some people who didn’t even know wha Guyana look like because dey lef small. Dem boys seh that de Americans gun be sending more plane soon because is nuff Guyanese do things in de States like if dem deh in Guyana wheh de police don’t ketch nobody.Dem boys look at de set dat come in de other day and dem see prison bar print pun dem face because dem been in jail suh lang. Of course dat ain’t a problem. Is when dey start up in Guyana dat de whole country got problems. Fuh one, dem people come and dem ain’t got wuk suh dem got to find wuk. Some of dem ain’t even got family suh is dem drug people.De thing that got de immigration people worried is that dem got a hard time processing all who come into de country. These people come without passport suh de immigration ain’t got nutten to stamp. When dem ask fuh forwarding address nobody ain’t know because de Americans didn’t notify anybody. Immigration had to put Eve Leary.Talk half and watch out fuh more crime.

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