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發表於 2018-8-8 08:09:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana, yesterday, emerged overall winner of a two-day Qaseeda Competition leaving the spoils for its Trinidadian and Surinamese counterparts.This was made possible with the Guyanese junior females copping the first,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, second and third positions in their category.The Qaseeda competition is an event that is hosted annually on a rotation between Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname.GT&T’s Chief Executive Officer, Yog Mahadeo (left) presents Faizul Bacchus with his winning trophy for the male senior category.This two-day competition, hosted by the Muslim Youth League, began on April 6 and culminated yesterday at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex.Breathtaking performances by participants over the period demonstrated why Qaseeda is a song or poetry sang in praise, love, and honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. The participants recited their pieces in Urdu language, which captivated their audiences.Although all the performers sounded melodious, the judges were tasked with dissecting their performances and allocating points for presentation and entertainment, pronunciation, fluency and melody.The junior and senior female categories of the competition were held on April 6. Guyana dominated the female junior category with Naseeba Nabbi copping the first place and Asiefa Ali and Zaseema Mohamed taking away the second and third places respectively.However, in the female senior category, Guyana’s neighbour to the east, Suriname took away the first and second positions (Nazrien Ali and Fauzia Ali respectively). Meanwhile, Guyanese Farida Nabbi, who is Naseeba Nabbi’s mother, came in third.The male junior and senior categories competition was held yesterday.Trinidadian, Faried Ali Hussain, took away the first place trophy for the male junior category. , Guyanese Muzzammil Bacchus copped second place and Surinamese, Khalied Ghafoor came in third.In the male senior category, Guyanese Faizul Bacchus copped the first place, while Azad Bacchus was awarded the third place. Abdoel Yanki of Suriname took home the second place trophy.On Saturday evening last, Guyanese artiste from New York, Geeta Bishram and the Angels Caribbean Band entertained attendees of the ‘Evening of Gazals’. At yesterday’s final presentation ceremony Bishram and team performed several old ‘filmi’ songs.The event was supported by the private sector, including the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company and Banks DIH.

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