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發表於 2018-8-8 08:48:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… will serve sixA 27-year-old man of Blue Berry Hill Squatting Area yesterday pleaded guilty to four offences, two of them indictable.The offences included two counts of robbery under arms,Cheap Jerseys China, possession of an unlicensed firearm and the possession of ammunition without a licence.The police prosecutor had requested that the cases be tried in the Christianburg Magistrate’s Court instead of the High Court in Georgetown. In fact,Jerseys NFL Cheap, he asked that all the matters be dealt with summarily.On Tuesday, Sean Hopkinson, armed with a .38 revolver, held three Banks DIH salesmen at gunpoint,Cheap Jerseys From China, then robbed Kevon Newland of $35,360 – the property of Banks DIH; Terrence George of $1,440 also the property of Banks DIH and a further $15,2018 World Cup Russia Jerseys,100 – also property of Banks DIH.Hopkinson then made good his escape, and hid in a septic tank located on an empty house lot.The matter was subsequently reported to the Wisroc Police Outpost and ranks quickly responded. They found the accused in a septic tank. When they searched him they also found the firearm and four .38 matching rounds of ammunition. The cash was also recovered.The police ranks then arrested Hopkinson and took him to the Mackenzie Police Station where he was charged for robbery under arms.When presiding magistrate Ann Mc Lennan asked the defendant what he had to say,Discount NFL Jerseys, he replied, “Ma’am, I only ask for consensus for the charges not be run concurrently.” He meant consecutively, but he got his wish.The magistrate sentenced the man to three years each on one of the counts of robbery under arms,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition without a licence.However those charges will run concurrently. He will serve an additional three years on the other count of robbery under arms.The Security Executive of Banks DIH of Linden stated, “Neither he nor anyone else can prevent crime” but that the company is putting things in place to try to “prevent another occurrence”.According to the Branch Manager, this has been the second time that this has happened, once in the same area and the other in Kwakwani.The Security Executive said that the citizens and police found Hopkinson in a septic tank where he tried to hide the weapon between his legs while stuffing an undisclosed amount of money in a hold within the septic tank.When asked how much was retrieved from Hopkinson,Anton Forsberg Jersey, the Security Executive said, “We got back $50,460, nevertheless after checking the daily bill books we realized that he had taken a little over $90,000. The balance just might have remained in the septic tank.”

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