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發表於 2018-8-8 12:05:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Region Six businessmen want the government to remove the unfair competition which they say is affecting their businesses.They also want the government to be more forthright when dealing with businesses, and quicker action taken when addressing complaints.The businessmen pointed to the smuggling of agricultural and other products from Suriname. Their concerns were voiced when they met with Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin,Jerseys Wholesale, at the Nand Persaud Conference Hall recently.One businessman Mr. Jaichand, called for the legalisation of cross border trading to end smuggling.Other persons spoke of the need to reduce some of the taxes on rice to make it more competitive. They pointed out that US rice farmers receive nearly 40 percent in subsidy.Another businessman, Mr. Rajendra, noted that Value Added Tax (VAT) is being charged on even bran and cane husk.In response, Minister Gaskin told those gathered that the government that he is a part of will not allow illegal businesses to destroy legal businesses and would work to get those businesses regularize. However, there are challenges since the borders are largely unprotected and there is a need for these borders to be patrolled effectively by the coast guard.The Minister explained that VAT should not be a problem for businesses since they get back the difference between the Input and Output charged. The problem is that the GRA takes an awfully long time to remit VAT to businesses.  This businessmen say should be corrected. The Minister further explained that the Government needs to look at long-term solutions to the problems faced by farmers. He promised to look in to the issues raised.The Minister, who was continuing his ministerial outreach to regions, told the residents that the agriculture industry must lobby as is done in the US, since lobbying will effectively allow farmers’ concerns to be ventilated at different fora.He pointed out that, there are developmental programmes on the government’s agenda so that all areas and citizens across the country can benefit.He promised to engage the business community again in the near future.

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