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發表於 2018-8-9 06:35:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An evidently relieved Gavin Towler was yesterday freed of manslaughter, after the Court found that there was insufficient evidence against him.Towler was charged for the unlawful killing of his reputed wife Samantha Marques. The incident allegedly took place between October 13 and 19, 2009 at the couple‘s Middle Road, Georgetown residence. He was facing a trial at the Georgetown High Court.According to the reports, the victim was reportedly injured during a physical altercation.During the trial, the victim’s daughters, Michelle and Sarah had testified that the accused held their mother’s head under a pillow and used the palm of his hand to apply blows to her head and body.Freed: Gavin TowlerFollowing the incident, Marques is said to have continuously complained to her relatives about feeling unwell. She subsequently went to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where she was admitted and later died.A post mortem examination revealed that Samantha Marques was pregnant at the time of her death.The woman’s cause of death was given as blunt trauma, subdural haemorrhage (bleeding into the space between the dura {brain cover} and the brain itself) and a fractured neck.In giving his expert opinion on the matter, Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh however, noted the victim’s injuries were “most likely,” caused by a fall.Dr. Singh explained that based on his examination there was bleeding on both sides of the brain, which is evident from the impact caused when a person (s) falls and hits their head, and that the victim fell and hit her head.The doctor was at the time responding to questions posed by the accused, who was unrepresented by a lawyer throughout his trial. Dr. Singh‘s testimony resulted in submissions by State Prosecutor Narissa Leander and Michael Shahoud, in the absence of the jury.Following their submissions yesterday,Cheap Jerseys China, Justice Joann Barlow noted to the prosecution that they had “a weak case,” since there was insufficient evidence against the accused to convict him for the offence.The Judge noted too that it would not be in the interest of justice to allow the matter to continue.The victim’s mother became immediately emotional at the judge’s announcement.A smiling Towler was subsequently discharged.

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