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發表於 2018-8-9 09:03:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Minister within the Ministry of Communities, with responsibility for housing, Valerie Adams-Patterson, has said that the Central Housing and Planning Authority will be hosting consultations with regards to lowering the age of personsMinister within the Ministry of Communities, with responsibility for Housing, Valerie Patterson, at the head table with Director of Operation Ms. Denise King-Tudor during their engagement with the gathering.applying for house lots.The Minister, over the next few weeks, will be engaging young people to hear their views on the possible policy change. Yesterday, she engaged youths from Rose Hall Town, Berbice and its environs in the first of these consultations.The current policy of the CH&PA is that a person must attain the age of 21 before he or she can apply for a house lot or benefit from any of the Government’s housing solution initiatives.In the Minister’s 2016 National Budget speech presented to Parliament earlier this year, she promised to pursue policy change as it relates to the current policy of the agency.She promised to make it possible for persons who have attained the age of 18 to be able to process an application with the CH&PA.During yesterday’s exercise, which coincided with a Rose Hall Town Career Day and Fair, the Minister outlined her position on the issue.During her interaction with the gathering, she pointed out that in Guyana, a person is legally an adult at the age of 18, which means that persons can get married without having to obtain parental consent,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, acquire a driver’s license, and exercise their constitutional right by voting. She also reminded the audience that a person becomes eligible for enlistment in the DisciplinedA section of the gathering at the Rose Hall Town youth consultation, who came out to have their voices heard.Forces at the age of 18, giving them authority to protect and serve their country.Having outlined this, Minister Adams-Patterson added that she strongly believes that if so much responsibility is entrusted to an 18-year-old then that person should be eligible to access one of Government’s housing solution initiatives.More importantly, the Minister said, repeatedly the Administration, through numerous ventures has shown the importance of investing in youths and youth empowerment.Against this backdrop, the Minister believes that a policy change which empowers 18-year-olds to acquire their own homes, will give them a greater sense of independence.The conversation on the age policy will continue on Friday September 23, 2016 at the Diamond Secondary School, East Bank Demerara.

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