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發表於 2018-8-9 14:08:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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International singing superstar AKON will make an appearance at the final CARIFESTA Super Concert billed for tonight at the Providence Stadium. Reggae sensations First Born and other leading local artistes such as Fojo, Timeka Marshal and Celeste David are also expected to make stage appearances. As the curtains draw to a close on Carifesta X,Dallas Mavericks Jerseys, Patrick Brown who is regarded as Jamaica’s number one playwright will bring down the roof of the Theatre Guild with two showings of “Love Games.”  The first show will begin at 17:00hrs today and the second at 20:30hrs.  Our Inheritance by St. Vincent’s is scheduled for the Bishops’ High School from 20:00hrs.For community festivals, Berbice will see The Bahamas’s play The Children’s Teeth from 18:00-20:00hrs at the Berbice High School while Dominica’s “Your Son, My Husband” will be performed in Essequibo at the Anna Regina Multilateral School from 18:00-20:00hrs.  Guyana’s Signal Play, Legend of the Silk Cotton Tree will be at Lichas Hall in Linden from 18:00-20:00hrs.Meanwhile renowned Caribbean scholar, choreographer and cultural philosopher Professor Rex Nettleford will host a master Choreographic Dance Lecture at the Umana Yana from 10:00hrs to noon. At the same venue in the evening beginning at 18:00hrs a Master literary reading featuring  Yvonne Weekes, Austin Clarke, Taij Motilall and Earl Lovelace will be held.The Sophia Exhibition Centre will be a bustle of activities as St. Vincent, Antigua and Guyana get ready to showcase their country presentations at the Cultural market and Trade Fair. The main band, Mingles Sound Machine will close the celebrations of the Tenth Caribbean Festival Arts at the Sophia Exhibition Centre. These activities are set to begin at 19:00hrs. Over at the Carifesta Sports Complex, the Surinamese will host an Apinti Drum workshop from 10:00-12:00noon. Later, they are scheduled to perform their Dance Drama at the National Cultural Centre begging at 19:00hrs.In Region Three, The Uitvlugt Centre Ground will come alive with a grand Chutney Calypso Show from 20:00hrs.Carifesta X will end tomorrow with a closing ceremony at the Providence Stadium from 17:00-19:00hrs.

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