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發表於 2018-8-10 07:59:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A bobcat operator who was working in a sandpit at Sibirien/Old England, Linden, was yesterday buried alive after the pit caved in. According to reports, the incident occurred at around noon yesterday while the man was heaping sand to load onto a truck.The dead man has been identified as Ray Garraway of Number 41 Village, West Coast Berbice. This publication was told that Garraway was loading sand to carry out construction works on a church building in Linden.Reports reaching this publication stated that while the man was piling up the sand, a top layer of the pit caved in covering the entire bobcat.One of the man’s colleagues, Alex Pompey, said he was close by when the incident occurred, but only realized that Garraway was buried after the engine on the bobcat stopped.“I didn’t really see anything because I was standing by the truck, but when I hear the bobcat stop working I turn around and I see everything cover up and the sand pouring down,” Pompey related.The man said he immediately went to get help for his trapped colleague as persons raced to the scene and tried digging into the sand in a frantic rescue bid. Eventually,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, two heavy duty machines from BOSAI were dispatched to the area, but this publication was told that as fast as the machines dug, sand increasingly kept covering the bobcat.Eyewitnesses say that several times during the rescue efforts Garraway’s body was spotted but the heavy pouring of the sand from the hill kept frustrating the rescue efforts. It reportedly took rescuers almost three hours before they could have pulled Garraway’s body from the bobcat. By this time he appeared lifeless. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Linden Hospital.The man’s employer, Lalsa Anil, said Garraway and his twin brother had been working with the company for approximately one year. Both brothers, Ray and Ron, work as bobcat operators.

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