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Montreal Canadiens Gear oldxytq3









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發表於 2018-8-10 16:50:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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State-appointed Prosecutor, Vic Puran, in what he called “an attempt at justice” yesterday asked for the treason matter against Leonard Wharton, Bruce Munroe and his wife, Carol-Ann Munroe, be moved to the National Communications Network (NCN).This request came after the now testifying witness ASP Simeon Reid revealed to the court that there is a better audio at that state-owned TV station.Puran as a result asked that the court be held at the NCN, Homestretch Avenue where evidence could be better heard.The matter which was called before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry brought an exchange of arguments between the Prosecution and the Defense Attorneys with the latter objecting to Puran’s application for the change of venue.Puran is arguing that the current court room at Middle Street is not conducive for the reception of the evidence being produced against the three accused. He argued that the Prosecution is handicapped and even crippled by the physical surroundings of the court.Puran further said that in the interest of justice the Prosecution should be permitted to use a place where its evidence could be heard and in this case it is the NCN building.However,Anthony Brown Jersey, Defense Attorney, Nigel Hughes, was obviously not buying the Prosecution’s claim as he gave several reasons why the application of the Prosecution could not stand.While Puran also sought to secure an adjournment to seek the advice of the Chancellor in getting the change of venue, it was revealed to him that only the presiding magistrate had that authority.Puran took another angle and argued that it was the judiciary’s fault if the prosecution is not able to carry across the case due to the unsuitable conditions in which the information is being related. In that light, Puran claimed that the court should afford the prosecution a fair opportunity to present the information.He failed to convince the magistrate that a change to NCN was what is needed.The three accused are facing charges for treason. They are accused of attempting to overthrow the government. An audio tape is among the main evidence being tendered by the Prosecution.Munroe and Wharton were both serving members of the Guyana Defense Force.The matter will call again on Monday.

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