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發表於 2018-8-11 17:13:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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156 square kilometers searched, still no trace To date, 156 square kilometers have been scoured to no avail in search of the missing foreign aircraft and its three occupants.An official at the control tower confirmed this yesterday, adding that a coordinated search is still afoot and operations have been intensified in the quest for the United States-registered plane which disappeared last Saturday between Issano and Imbaimadai.On Tuesday, an eight-year-old girl told a search and rescue team conducting ground searches that she saw the exact plane in the Chi Chi Falls area ‘falling out’ of the sky.Chi Chi Falls is an area in Imbaimadai, the place where the aircraft was last reported to be.This, however, was debunked by a senior aviation official who said that she could have seen a plane descending and construing that it was falling from the sky.At a briefing at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Director of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority, Zulfikar Mustapha, said that the youngster indeed saw the aircraft, but it may not be that it was ‘falling out’ of the sky, since the aircraft had to do low lying surveys and the possibility highly exists that the aircraft was flying at different altitudes.However, although the intensive searches continued yesterday, neither the aircraft nor its three passengers have been found.One of the Dynamics aircraft assisting in the search is equipped with a heat sensing device,Montreal Canadiens Gear, which is expected to significantly assist in locating the presumed missing aircraft.It was also noted that Dynamics has sourced another aircraft from Suriname to assist in the search. This aircraft should go into operation today, while one of the Dynamics aircraft is also expected to conduct night searches.The twin-engine Beechcraft King Air that disappeared mysteriously without a trace was conducting a uranium survey for Prometheus Resources Guyana Inc., a subsidiary of U308 Corp. of Toronto.Those aboard the plane are pilot James Barker, First Officer Chris Paris and Canadian technician Patrick Murphy. Barker and Paris are American citizens.

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