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發表於 2018-8-12 02:26:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Occupants of the Egbert Benjamin Exhibition and Conference Centre, in Mackenzie, Linden,J.R. Smith Jersey, received quite a treat when the semifinalists of the 2009 Cellink Jingle and Song Competition visited the institution last Monday.While there, they interacted with tots as well as teenaged ‘special needs’ occupants,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who were more than excited to have the contestants in their midst. The contestants told stories and serenaded the kids with some of their favourite ballads and lullabies.Thereafter the semifinalists served lunch to the kids who were more than elated to receive the treat. The semifinalists and children alike engaged in ring games and other activities, and hugs and kisses were all around. The children beamed in satisfaction and even engaged in a little ‘dance-off’ that saw some of them executing some of the most popular dance routines.They posed for photo shoots with the contestants and exchanged telephone numbers, a sign that they were totally blown away by another ‘Cellink Phenomenon’.The children were given bags containing sweets, cakes and other niceties, much to their childish delight.Quite recently the contestants repainted a bus shed in Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice. The bus shed served as a vital feature that protected residents from the elements of weather, especially those who would await transportation to conduct duties in the fields. At the request of the community, GT&T took up the challenge of repainting the structure and bringing comfort to residents.Each year during the competition similar projects are conducted in Georgetown, Linden,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Berbice and Essequibo.The contestants are now gearing for the semifinals – date and time to be announced – even as they are intensifying their acts for the Grand Finale at the National Park.At this year’s Cellink Jingle and Song Competition the winner will walk away with a Toyota VIOS (Blue) motor car, a one-year endorsement contract with GT&T, complementary recording of a single, an Apple IPod Touch, a Samsung Bluetooth Headset and a cellular phone.The second place winner will be awarded $500,Achraf Hakimi Jersey,000, a one-year endorsement contract with GT&T, an Apple IPod Touch, a return trip to Jamaica and a cellular phone, while the third place contestant takes home $250,000, a return trip to Trinidad, and an Apple IPod Touch and cellular phoneThe Cellink Jingle and Song Competition is broadcast every Thursday night on NCN,Cheap Jerseys USA, and HJTV at 21:00 hrs and 20:00 hrs respectively.The event,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, this year is sponsored by Ansa McAl Ltd, Beharry Automotive Ltd, NCN, Impressions, HJTV, Caribbean Airlines and Wireless Connection,Wholesale China Jerseys, under the theme ‘Caribbean Rhythm, Guyanese Vybz’.

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