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發表於 2018-8-12 06:57:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police appear to have made little headway in identifying the gunmen who killed security guard Wilfred Stewart during last Monday night’s brazen attack at Sterling Products Limited.Kaieteur News understands that police were due to release three detained men yesterday, after eyewitnesses to the attack failed to identify them.The men were taken into custody shortly after the botched robbery and police had also impounded a car similar to the one in which the killers fled.Some eyewitnesses had initially said that as many as ten men carried out the attack, but police later indicated that only three individuals invaded the Providence, East Bank Demerara premises. Security camera footage showed that the gunmen were armed with at least one assault rifle and a .32 pistol. Investigators retrieved two 7.62 x 39 casings (used in AK-47 assault rifles) and two .32 shells from the scene.Police sources said that it appears that the gunmen were tipped off that a “substantial” sum of cash was being kept in a safe on the premises. However, they were unable to gain access to the safe, despite smashing a window in the area where the safe is located.Kaieteur News also understands that an employee who had the keys for the safe managed to flee to a nearby compound when the gunfire erupted.Police said that the gunmen shot 45-year-old Stewart to his groin and relieved him of his service revolver with six rounds.“They then proceeded to the office area of the building where they shot and wounded chemist Mario Gohill, an Indian National,San Jose Sharks Gear, to his left leg.The men located a safe that was in the office but were unable to open it and subsequently escaped,” a release stated.An eyewitness had told Kaieteur News that he and Stewart were in the security hut when a car stopped outside the compound.He said that several men emerged from the vehicle, barged through the front gate, and began to shoot. The employee managed to flee to another compound, but heard the gunmen discharge about three gunshots at Stewart.Monday’s brazen attack occurred about 200 metres from the Providence Police Station.The Guyana Association of Private Security Organizations has expressed condolences to Wilfred Stewart’s family. Stewart fathered two daughters and his wife is expecting a third child.

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