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發表於 2018-8-12 08:15:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police investigating the shooting death of 14-year-old Ryan Persaud are pinning their hopes of solving the mysterious incident on the bullet which they hope to retrieve from the body.A post mortem examination is to be performed on the teenager’s body today and investigators are hoping that the expected retrieval of the fatal bullet could be matched to a particular weapon, significantly narrowing down their investigations.“The warhead will definitely provide us with something to go on,” a source close to the investigation told this newspaper.The teenager, a student of the Patentia Secondary School, who lived at Vive la Force on West Bank Demerara, was shot in his back on Monday afternoon when a stray bullet from what is suspected to be a rifle fired from across the Demerara River in the vicinity of Friendship.Ryan PersaudHe died on his way to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.Police had detained several persons on the day of the shooting, even swabbing their hands for gunpowder residue. However they were subsequently released.Kaieteur News understands that Police had also carried out investigations and have established that the teenager was some 20 rods from the river’s edge.“We are checking every possible angle in this case,” the source said. Immediately after the shooting, angry residents blamed the police at the Wales Police Station who they said failed to act after several reports were made about stray bullets coming into the community for the past several weeks.The dead teen’s father related that his son’s killing could have been prevented if the police had acted on the previous reports about stray bullets.“This thing happening long now and we reporting this matter over and over but the police are not doing anything. The other day a bullet pass through-and-through my house and it pass through other people house too,” the dead teen’s father said.A resident in the area, James Munroe explained that the gunshots started about three weeks ago and he, as well as other residents, reported the matter to the police. “The bullet hitting people house and the police tell we when the shooting start back,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, we should call them.”Munroe added that when he returned home from work on Monday he called the police and made a report. “I call them and tell them that the shooting start again. Five minutes after I call again and I tell them that somebody gun dead and then they will come.”“I call back again while riding out from the village and I report it again and the police ask me what I want he to do, so I tell he to call the people from Grove and let them check it out. When I hang up, my wife called me and tell me that Vishnu son get shoot and he die,” Munroe stated.

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