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發表於 2018-8-13 03:57:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has labeled the recent appointment of Carol Sooba as Town Clerk, as an act of “executive lawlessness” and a total breach of Guyana’s constitution.And Executive Member Cathy Hughes asserted that, “As a country, we continue to do things that get us absolutely nowhere. We never want to choose the best person for the job. We are not big enough as a country to say, ‘I don’t care whether he is black, got blue eyes,Al MacInnis Jersey, got straight hair, if he is PPP, AFC or APNU, he (Mr. Paul Clarke) is the best qualified person for the job and should be appointed but year after year, we as citizens continue to accept this.”These assertions were made at the party’s weekly press conference which was held yesterday at the Side Walk Café.Clarke, an Afro Guyanese, is considered the most qualified person for the position of Town Clerk. This is according to senior officials of the City Council, who said that Sooba was the least qualified of the applicants shortlisted for the post.Ramjattan also reinforced the point made by his colleague as he said that Sooba’s appointment “vindicates what Mr. Frederick Kissoon had written about and was unjustifiably sued for”.The Kaieteur News’ columnist was sued by former President Bharrat Jagdeo for what Jagdeo claimed to be defamatory remarks made against him. The article which Kissoon had written, spoke to the former President’s method of leadership during his term.Ramjattan also expressed that Sooba’s appointment shows that government continues to exercise political power in such a manner.There were criteria for the appointment of the right candidate, and this being the case, Mrs. Hughes expressed that it is very unfortunate when the media and the Opposition are blamed for the high corruption in Guyana, whilst instances like these prove that, “we have a serious issue with corruption.”Ramjattan then added that, “If the local government commission which deals with regulations and staffing of local democratic councils such as the MMC were in place, I am sure that the commission would have opted for the more qualified clerk as opposed to Sooba who has no degree.”

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