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By Sharmain GraingerSailing to some may be a recreational activity intended to relief the mind of stress. However,Josh Perkins Jersey, there are others who have embarked on such missions simply to prove that such an undertaking can be an astounding accomplishment which can find its place in the annals of history.Many have tried, but only one has so far professed to have sailed across the world on a voyage spanning over 1,000 days.  Reid Stowe, who hails from North Carolina, United States, has been sailing since he was a teenager and is fully aware of what sailing is all about and has accomplished such a feat.“I always liked doing long distance voyages, all the way across the Atlantic without stopping…longer and longer distances at sea I wanted to do…”Among his accomplishments, too,NFL Jerseys Clearance, is a non-stop voyage to Antarctica. However that was not enough for him as he envisaged being able to sail the longest distance ever accomplished by any man in history.“I knew to myself that I know how to live on the sea, I know how to stock up with food and I know how to take care of myself and remain healthy on the sea so it was really no challenge to me.”It was against this background, Stowe decided that his next voyage would be characterized by sailing his vessel, The Schooner, 1,000 days around the world without stopping, or any need to re-supply.Soanya Ahamad, his friend at the time, had opted to join the auspicious voyage, but was only able to withstand the rigourous trip for an admirable 306 days, effectively claiming the title for the first female to sail not-stop for such a lengthy period.Although she was born and raised in New York City, United States, Soanya has a rich Guyanese history having been born to Guyanese parents, (both from the West Coast of Demerara.) Her association with Stowe would commence even as she nurtured her passion for photography, one pleasant New York Day.  She was at the time a student of Photography and had decided that scenes from a New York City pier could yield some awesome shots for an assignment.“I walked on one of the piers and there was a boat docked there…turns out it was Reid’s boat,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, and I asked if I could take some pictures and he said ‘yes you can take some pictures’ and so I did.”A few weeks later she returned with the prints to show Stowe, but did not immediately notice him as there was a hive of activity ongoing at the pier. As a result, she decided to ask someone on the pier to see that photographs get to him.  Within a few minutes the photographs were in his hand and he came bolting out of his vessel to meet Soanya.His appreciation for the photos saw him inviting her to go sailing for a few hours.  This would be the first time that she would ‘set foot’ on such a vessel and it was much more pleasant than she had anticipated. Consequently,China NFL Jerseys, she became a frequent visitor. During one of her subsequent visits, Stowe stole the opportunity to share his intention to go sailing the world for 1,000 days non-stop.“I was very interested in that…how could somebody go to sea,Wholesale Jerseys China, on the ocean, for three years almost, and not stop to re-supply or anything, or even come into port…you would have to take every possible thing that you can with you to accomplish this. You would not even be able to see anybody,” Soanya reflected were among the thoughts that immediately flooded her mind.Fascinated by the mission, Soanya found herself enquiring regularly when Stowe was going to set out to sea. Three years would go by before his plans were finalized and a date was set for the intriguing mission. All that was left to gather was the crew.By this time, Soanya had completed her degree in Photography and had just started Maritime Technology. However, she was more than willing to halt her studies and venture out into uncharted waters with Stowe, whom she had become very fond of.At 22 years of age, there was no way that she would’ve gotten the permission of her family be a part of the voyage, yet she decided this was her destiny.“He was still looking for people for his 1,000-day mission and I was like ‘hey why can’t I do that?’ I thought at that point I would give it a try…”Stowe was initially caught off guard by Soanya’s request, as he did not really expect a woman to attempt such a mission. Since no-one else would answer to the call to sail the world, the duo decided to commence the mission one year later on April 21, 2007, leaving a New York Port into waters unknown.Though she had recognized the dangers of the voyage and was preparing mentally for its challenges, she would get a reality check 15 days into the journey when their vessel was struck by a ship. This incident would leave ‘The Schooner’ drifting for about a month as Stowe attempted to remedy the damage as best as he could.As an experienced sailor, he had warned Soanya before start of the voyage of what were the likely outcomes of the journey, even relating that while some days would be sunny and gorgeous, allowing for smooth sailing, there would be other days when the waters could become too rough even to remain on your feet.It was almost eight months into the journey when Soanya realized that she could no longer continue as she had become unbearably nauseous. She was four months pregnant. They were at the time cruising around South Africa and no longer could she even stand on her own feet.“I was so sick I was like lying down for like a whole month or two…not eating properly and I said Reid I have to get off this boat…he saw how I was, too, and recognized the urgency…”At this point the nearest bit of land was in Australia and the next best thing to do at this point was to contact a team in New York City so that they could request permission to allow Soanya to disembark there. It would take two months to get her to land. She remained one week in Australia before travelling back to the United States where she delivered their son Darshan five months later.Stowe would however continue the voyage solo, completing the mission and even staying out a few more days amounting to exactly 1,152 days. The entire journey was tracked by satellite. Prior to Stowe’s voyage, the record was held by an American who sailed for 155 days non-stop.Ahead of his mission, the Guinness Book of World Records had requested that Stowe gamble his voyage to the tune of US$2,500 – an amount that he did not have at the time. However, he holds the title of the man to sail the longest journey non-stop around the world and is recognized by Ripley’s Believe It or Not.During his journey he certainly did not forget about Soanya who had become the love of his life. This saw him at one point of his journey circling the waters to form a heart in time for Valentine’s Day. Part of his journey from satellite view shows the formation of a whale,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, which according to Stowe, was also an intentional move.He returned to New York City on June17, 2010, at which point he reunited with Soanya and would meet his son for the first time. They remained in New York City for just over a year when the desire to go sailing again resurfaced. The feeling was again mutual and so they decided to fix up their battered boat with the intent of setting out on another mission. This time the decision was to sail to a destination that did not have winter, and of course, Guyana was the natural choice.The voyage started in New York City on December 7, 2011, with the family spending 35 days at sea before sailing into the Demerara River earlier this month.  Accompanied by a crew and their young son, they were faced with some stormy days and some wonderfully sunny days before they moored in waters surrounding the land of many waters.“All kinds of things happened during our journey here; sails blew out, but this time I knew what we were getting into…” Soanya said. Though new to sailing, Darshan too appeared to be comfortable enough,Minnesota Timberwolves Jerseys, perhaps due to the constant attention directed to him by his parents.“He knows the boat very well so the only thing that was very different for him was the scenery and the unstable waters from time to time…” Soanya speculated.Now in the waters of Demerara River, ‘The Schooner’ is currently very worn out, but it is the expectation of the couple that they could secure some assistance to facilitate rehabilitation before journeying back home to the United States by Summer.“We have a lot of work to do and we need a lot of help to do it…so at the moment we can’t really say what we are going to do next…until we save The Schooner.”  Their historic missions were facilitated by the generosity of members of the public and various organizations.

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