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發表於 2018-8-13 13:44:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The residents of Sheriga Scheme, Enmore, East Coast of Demerara are bitterly upset. They have grown tired of the excuses made by the persons responsible for the pump that was put in place to drain the area.For almost a year the pump has been inoperable. Every time it rains heavily, the residents’ livelihood is disrupted; flooding results in significant losses.A resident shows this newspaper a section of the patched pipeline.Last Saturday, was no different; a deluge left the community under several inches of water. Despite the presence of the pump, the water only receded slightly by yesterday and with a forecast of more rains, the situation looks bleak for the residents.In the community, while some openly expressed concern and frustration, others appeared apprehensive about criticizing officials.The pump, one of many acquired by the NDIA, was installed in the community in 2006, during the “great flood” that swamped the entire East Coast Demerara.At first engineers were prompt to attend to any malfunctioning, but within recent times, this has not been the case.According to the residents, the pump last worked satisfactorily a year ago and despite several floods since then, their appeals to have it up and running have been met with several excuses.“If is not budget nah pass yet, is some other excuse,” one resident remarked.At present, the engine that powers the pump is in need of a battery.The last time it was started was in February and due to a major mechanical fault, it was only run for a few minutes.There is evidence of a massive oil leak and according to persons in the community, the authorities have been aware of this situation for quite some time.The pipe that takes the water into the Atlantic Ocean has several gaping holes which the residents had to use their ingenuity to patch so that running the pump would not be useless.Sheriga Scheme resident Lalita wades through flood water.Kaieteur News understands that a private firm is responsible for the maintenance of the pump and all the faults were reported to them.“We report de tube and dem boy (private contractor) come and dem shove in plastic fuh block de hole, but as soon we start pump, de water blow out de plastic. So we had to tek zinc and try patch dem hole,” one of the residents explained.Initially the residents thought that the pump attendant was at fault for not operating the pump and they chided him in no uncertain manner.“Me ah get buse when me a go home too. Dem people seh me get de pump here and nah wuk am,” the beleaguered pump attendant complained.Lalita has been living in Sheriga Scheme for 12 years. For the past four years she has had to “work magic” to save her livestock whenever there is a downpour.“Dis time dem tell we de pump break down. The last time dem tell we diesel run out; is always some excuse,” she said.Champa,Air Max 270 Sale, a resident of the community for the past 15 years, explained that the pump was installed to bring relief to residents during the 2006 flood.“When dey put it in, dem tell we leh we go and talk pon TV how de pump doing good but after we realize dat de pump ain’t wukkin and de whole place flooding and all me animals gat fuh deh in me bottom house,” Champa lamented.The residents were unanimous that whenever the pump is in working order, their woes are almost non-existent.“That is why we want it fix because I hear is since last year it ain’t wukkin and dis is May month and nothing doing. We expect more rain and all de time de place getting flood,” Champa lamented.There are reports that despite the pump not being in working order, diesel is still being taken to the site.“Dem gat diesel coming steady and we nah see no pump ah wuk. Three week now diesel come and dem nah pump one drop water,” another resident told this newspaper.For now, the residents of Sheriga Scheme, Enmore, are hoping that immediate action is taken to get the pump up and running to prevent an epidemic from breaking out.

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