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發表於 2018-8-13 14:59:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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De Amaila project had to be a cash cow because although dem opposition politicians seh no, Brazzy still get Donald to hold on to it. And since Guyana married China,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, at least it look suh because everything is China, dem trying to get de Chinese fuh tek over de project.When de road nearly stall up is de Chinee contractors who bail out de project and tek on de most difficult part—de part wid dense jungle. To this day nobody don’t know how much money Guyana pay dem.But Uncle Sam know that some kok passing. De IDB was to put in some money and Sithe Global, an American company, was to put in some. Uncle Sam know that people woulda thief money suh it just put a law in place wheh no American money must go toward any big hydro project and fuh sure Uncle Sam mek it clear that no money ain’t going to no Guyana hydro.Obama send a clear message, “Thief anybody else money but not American money? When Uncle Sam mek de law dem boys get shame. And is then dem realize that when dem was talking people was really listening. Is just that dem didn’t know that Uncle Sam was listening suh close.Dem boys know that everything is a tek and a grab. Dem grab any and everything suh till dem boys want to know how come dem ain’t grab Le Repentir. Dem need de space fuh two main reason.Dem got to find space fuh put wha dem tek and grab because de net close and de money can’t get ship out no more. Then dem got to get space top rest dem weary soul because de Creator always seh that there is no rest fuh de wicked.Talk half and brace fuh de hydro backlash

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