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發表於 2018-8-13 17:46:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says committee Co-Chairman CummingsDerrick Cummings, Co-Chairman of the GuyExpo Planning Committee, has refuted the claims made in a recent Stabroek article which suggested that it was “not easy finding locally manufactured goods at GuyExpo.”Cummings said that “GuyExpo is an exhibition and trade fair. GuyExpo is a reflection of the diversified nature of Guyana over time, when we were in agriculture in the 70s, we had an agriculture exhibition. Now we have services and business sectors, hence we have to cater for this new dispensation.”Co-Chairman of GuyExpo’s Planning Committee, Derrick CummingsHe said that GuyExpo had a lot of booths exhibiting furniture which is a locally manufactured product. It’s really another stage of production for the raw material of wood, he said.Cummings offered an extensive list of all the local and international businesses that participated in this year’s GuyExpo. Some of the local businesses Comfort Sleep, Caricom Cement and Bottling, Jermain Culley Enterprise, ND&S Furniture Store, Ooh La La, Modern Industries, Swiss Machinery, Toolsie Persaud Ltd, HADCO Farm and Sawmill, Melsha Furniture Store, Deen’s Furniture Wicker, Everest Construction Store, KND construction, National Hardware and Twins Manufacturing Chemists respectively.According to Cummings, “The economic thrust of Guyana is not only based on manufacturing, it’s based also on services because of the literacy of people and relatively small population. So what we caught on to are our services.”“So to go to GuyExpo and to be looking for manufacturing is beyond that; it has grown out to really be a microcosm of the economy at present. For example,NFL Jerseys China, there is a tourism village, there is a service pavilion, that entire pavilion that offers Government and other services including information and communication technology,” Cummings explained.Speaking to the concerns that persons highlighted that the local booths were selling foreign products, Cummings said, “If you have local booths where people based here in Guyana sell international products and they come to exhibit, we couldn’t say that you have to sell in the international booths.“The international companies, coming from a direct link, would be selling in the international pavilion. With GuyExpo it’s hard to be stringent that way, even without the international companies that would have come to participate in the GuyExpo, there would’ve been people selling international products.”Cummings said that he spoke to some of the local business persons who were present at this year’s GuyExpo and they spoke highly of the level of exposure that GuyExpo provided for their business, more so with the linkages that they were able to develop with the international exhibitors there.From the other end of the spectrum Cummings said that the international exhibitors lauded the event signaling their intentions to participate next year. He further related that Trinidad wants to officially come on board and India wants to increase the amount of booths in the future.

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