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發表於 2018-8-13 19:41:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The People’s National Congress/ Reform (PNC/R) says it is saddened about the death of its former Minister and Member of Parliament, Dr. Faith Harding. Dr. Harding died last Friday after a period of illness at the St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital.The PNC/R said that Dr. Harding’s unwavering passion and commitment to national issues saw her working tirelessly towards addressing youth and women related issues.“Dr. Harding’s unwavering passion and commitment to national issues saw her working tirelessly to address youth and women related issues. She was born on October 5, 1947… the sixth child of a very closely knitted family which consists of three brothers and a similar number of sisters,” the statement said.“From a very tender age, Faith displayed a love for academics and so it was by no surprise or accident that she excelled academically. She attended St. Ambrose and St. Stephen’s primary schools and British Guiana Education Trust High School and was an enthusiastic learner who enjoyed English Language, English Literature,Nike Schuhe Neu Herren, Religious Knowledge, History and reading Nancy Drew books.”“Exhibiting a love and passion for reading, young Faith demonstrated this in her ability to read various books. Her personal motto “readers are leaders’ was a great aid to her. Fascinated with the power of words and their meanings, at nine years old, she emphatically encouraged her friends to increase their vocabulary on a daily basis.“Further intrigued by one of her aunts who wrote poems; she gained a deep love and appreciation of poems and even participated on radio programs, ‘Ovaltine and the Teenagers Choice’.” Despite her very busy life, Faith completed her advanced education at the prestigious Teachers College at Columbia University. She held a Masters of Arts degree in curriculum and teaching, a master’s degree in education and a doctorate degree in Education. She also completed her Bachelor of Science degree in education at Mills College of Education in New York City.In 2011, Dr. Harding was one of the many candidates that vied for the Presidential candidacy of the People’s National Congress Reform.To her husband Patrick, her son, Patrick Jr., and all other grieving relatives and friends the People’s National Congress Reform extend heartfelt condolences, the party’s statement read.Comments from all over Guyana and the world continue to pour in for Dr. Harding as her comments and outcries from families and friends all over flood her Facebook page.President Donald Ramotar also issued a short statement on her passing. “The passing of Dr. Faith Harding is a sad day. Her contribution to Guyana has been great. However, these contributions  will keep her alive in our hearts and minds. Through her family, work and mentorship she will live on.“I wish to express my condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of Dr. Faith Harding, she will not be forgotten,” Ramotar said.A Book of Condolence has been opened for Dr. Harding at the Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown as persons flock daily to sign.

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