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發表於 2018-8-14 03:30:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Students of the Mahdia Secondary School may soon be without a Head Mistress (HM) as the appointed person is contemplating to abandon her post due to the poor conditions in which she has been asked to reside.Vanessa Wilson-Johnson told Kaieteur News last weekend that because of the accommodations given to her she is essentially living on the streets and getting a nightly rest from residents in the area.Mahdia Secondary School HM, Vanessa Wilson-JohnsonShe said that on September 1, last, she was appointed as the school’s head mistress. She added that prior to her starting work, she attended a workshop during the August holidays and refused the accommodation that was given to her.“The furniture was badly rotting and was therefore unfit to be used. The bed,Basketball Shoes Cheap Online, chairs and table…and even the rat-eaten mattress. It therefore meant I had nothing to use. I would have had to sleep on the floor.” The head teacher said she was unwilling to accept the accommodations in the event that the rectification process would be prolonged. She therefore expressed dissatisfaction with the, “unsuitable conditions” and was subsequently sent to a Guest House in Paramakatoi.That is where she says she had been staying since, but recently,China Football Jerseys Cheap, “I went home for the holiday and when I returned on Sunday (last) to report to duty on Monday, I met my things thrown out by the Regional Education Officer unknowingly.”The head mistress said she had not gone to school for the entire (last) week because she has no access to her belongings.  She accused the education officer of victimising her,Bill Lee Jersey, “because since I came here, to date I cannot have proper accommodations as the head teacher,Asics Dynaflyte 2 Hombre,” she said.Ms. Johnson said she is asking the authorities to look into her matter because, “I want to go back to work but I have nowhere to stay.” She continued, “I slept two nights at the Roger Hinds International Hotel but because of the cost I cannot stay there anymore. The community is giving me a night’s rest but I don’t have anywhere to dwell.”She told the newspaper that,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “On the day, I dwell on the road and in the night the community gives me a night’s rest.” Johnson charged that her situation is very serious. “I am the head teacher here. Legitimate head teacher, trained graduate HM. I have served this country for 23 years as a teacher.”The HM said she wrote to the Chief Education Officer and sent out letters before receiving a call from a Minister assuring that her matter would be looked into,Nike Air Max Damen G��nstig, “To date it has been six days but I am still lurking around this place waiting for a response.” The head teacher said she is preparing to go home but,Curry 2 Shoes For Sale, “the community is holding me back, they have asked me to wait.”Ms. Johnson reiterated her plea to have the relevant officials look into her matter as she requested a “speedy resolution into this unfortunate matter.”

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