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發表於 2018-8-14 04:22:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The relatives of 40-year-old Philbert Kaladeen are adamant that robbery was the motive for Friday night’s shooting which left Kaladeen paralyzed from the waist down.Speaking with Kaieteur News, a relative who wanted to remain anonymous said that, earlier in the day, Kaladeen had gone to a city bank and had withdrawn a substantial amount of money to pay contractors. The relative explained that Kaladeen is presently building a house, adding that he would pay the contractors every Friday.Philbert KaladeenThe relative said that Kaladeen came home with the money in a hat which neighbours had seen.He further noted that Kaladeen also had in his possession US$160, Cdn$ 120 and GY$30,000, along with the bank withdrawal, which amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars.The relative opined that, “They did still think that he had de big money with he, but them ain’t see when de contractor come and collect it.”Philbert Kaladeen was shot in the right shoulder on Friday night by an unknown assailant,White NFL Jerseys Cheap, at his family’s two-storey residence at Lot 4 Water Street, Bagotstown, on the East Bank of Demerara.  He was robbed of a gold chain, among other items.At the time of the shooting, he was attempting to take a bath outside.An eyewitness claimed that the man was about to take a bath when, a while later, a “gunshot” was heard. The eyewitness said that the man was in the habit of leaving his door open whenever he went outside to take a bath, adding that the yard would usually be crowded with people. The eyewitness said that the man was home alone when the shooting occurred, noting that neighbours saw a sliver grey AT 192, license plate number HB 3586, leaving the scene.According to the eyewitness, the driver of the car had been enquiring about Kaladeen’s residence. “He ask me, ‘Is where duh one Kaladeen living?’ ”Shortly after, a gunshot was heard coming from Kaladeen’s apartment.  After the shooting, eyewitnesses claimed, the same car was seen ‘circling’ the area.The injured man was taken to a private institution to seek medical attention, but was later transferred to the GPHC because of the severity of his injures.When Kaieteur News visited him on Saturday, doctors and nurses were closely monitoring his condition, since the bullet is still lodged near his spinal cord.Yesterday, relatives were expressing distress, noting that the doctors have not updated them on whether Kaladeen would ever walk again.He is presently a patient at the Georgetown Hospital, in the High Dependency Unit.

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