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-currently targeting the Essequibo DistrictSince its formation in August 2005,Argentina National Soccer Team Jerseys, the HIV/AIDS-related organization ‘Dance Alive’ has been promoting and hosting several programmes aimed at reducing and eventually eliminating the spread of the deadly virus.At present,NFL Jerseys Supply, the organisation is making a positive impact in the Essequibo District, where several of its many projects are being featured in schools and other intellectual institutions.Using dance as the foremost factor to propagate its message, the organisation has already hosted several events which have made positive impacts in the lives of many old and young persons living with and without the virus in the Essequibo District and in other areas.Dance Alive will be performing its special brand of edutainment at several schools in Essequibo. The organisation has so far successfully completed this aspect of its functions in schools on the East Coast of Demerara with an extensive cultural programme at Bladen Hall Multilateral School.This event was sponsored by The United States Ambassador’s Fund and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guyana.Dance Alive is based on four ideas. Since dance is an integral part of Guyanese culture, young people who are more optimistic about their future, and are less likely to indulge in high risk behaviours are being offered an “educating for life” approach to nurture awareness of and to influence behaviour change with respect to HIV/AIDS, poverty and life choices, and celebrating “life” with hope and vitality and by actively supporting the innate abilities of each individual.Currently, Dance Alive has been funded by the Guyana HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Project (GAPCP) working through the Health Sector Development Unit (HSDU), to produce 26 half-hour tapes to be aired on TV during the year.This programme is overseen by Executive Director of HSDU, Keith Burrowes,China Football Jerseys Cheap, and is superbly managed by Ms. Asmita Chand, Civil Society Coordinator and team.Introducing their initial step in using edutainment in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Phillips said that though Guyana has been called the Kingdom of Nature and the Land of Enchantment, its greatest wealth lies in its people and their diverse cultures.He added that Guyana’s canopy of wealth lies in the young people, who play an important role in the country’s future.Welcome to DANCE ALIVE. Welcome to our production of “Footprints”,Boston Celtics Jerseys, our initial step in using edutainment in the fight against HIV/AIDS.According to Phillips, Guyana’s youth are being threatened by a silent stalker, HIV/AIDS. He added that the possibility of an HIV/AIDS pandemic in the midst of poverty,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, drugs and gender abuse makes the current situation the moral,Cheap Jerseys, medical, social, political, financial, cultural and religious challenge of everyone’s lifetime.Phillips explained that those associated with DANCE ALIVE are committed to the fight against this disease destroying the society and hindering sustainable development.He pointed out that HIV/AIDS destroys the function and smooth running of families, communities and countries.He added that when persons find out they are infected, they go through a myriad of raw emotions, first being denial, then they become frightened, angry, anxious, confused,Jerseys NFL China, despondent, emotionally traumatized, and some suicidal.Phillips indicated that the fight against HIV/AIDS is a complex and emotional battle, noting that the fight is also geared at erasing stigma and discrimination, and to effect behavioural change.To help in this area, he suggested the help and moral support of friends, family members and colleagues.

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