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發表於 2018-8-16 05:13:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Taxi driver, Christopher Chatterpaul, 26,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, of Smythfield,Cheap MLB Gear, New Amsterdam,Cheap Jerseys From China, Berbice was on Thursday charged with causing death by dangerous driving.  He appeared before Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court and was granted bail in the sum of $150,000.The driver was recently charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and was fined $115,000 on 12 traffic violation charges.He is accused of driving in a manner dangerous to the public on Friday April 5,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, last, while piloting motor car HB 2041. He is alleged to have made a U turn in the vicinity of Canefield, East Canje and collided with motor cycle CF 8751 ridden by Ganesh Anthony “Max” Persaud, 23,Jerseys NFL China, a legal clerk of Lot 5 Strand New Amsterdam.Persaud fell on the road and was injured. He was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital where he received emergency treatment. He was subsequently referred to the Georgetown Hospital but died on the way.A post mortem conducted on the body gave the cause of death as shock and haemorrhage due to multiple injuries.According to information,Dallas Mavericks Jerseys, Persaud who works with his uncle, attorney at law Charrandass Persaud, was on his way to Canje around 17:00 hrs to meet with another cousin to finalise arrangements for a fund raising activity to raise funds for his younger brother Lakeram Persaud who was seriously injured in another motor cycle accident on Valentine’s Night outside the New Amsterdam Hospital.Persaud’s elder brother, Jarvis De Freitas, called “Jarvy”,MLB Jerseys From China, died last September when he lost control of the CBR he was riding at the Sheet Anchor turn in East Canje and crashed into a Chinese restaurant. Incidentally, on that occasion he was riding a friend’s bike.The driver Chatterpaul was recently found guilty in January on 12 charges of violating the traffic law and fined a total of $115,000. He was also recently charged with possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. Ironically, his lawyer on that occasion was Charrandass Persaud.His matter has been transferred to the Reliance Magistrate’s Court for June 17.

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