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發表於 2018-8-16 10:13:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Head of the Guyana Defence Force,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Chief of Staff Brigadier General, Mark Phillips, has reminded his ranksChief of Staff Brigadier General Mark Phillipsthat President Donald Ramotar is still the Commander in Chief and the organization’s operational decision making is not influenced by ex-military officers.The Chief of Staff made the announcement yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, during a briefing of servicemen and women of the GDF, as well as the civilian staff on their role, regarding the conduct of their duties and their service to the nation as soldiers and citizens for the upcoming National Elections.“Guyana is still being governed by President Donald Ramotar who was duly elected to the Presidency. He is still the Commander-in-Chief of the military, and in that regard,China Jerseys Wholesale, still has the right to give instructions to the military,” Brigadier Phillips told his soldiers.He emphasised that a thoroughly professional approach is to be demonstrated and maintained at all times.Brigadier Phillips’s remarks come at a time when much is being made of comments by members of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic about the involvement of ex-military personnel in the campaign of the opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).Leading the charge against the involvement of ex-military is former President Bharrat Jagdeo who told the PPP/C Albion rally last Sunday, that “when they (APNU+AFC) link up with the military and come into your homes and start kicking the doors down and when they come after you, who is going to be there?”His comments sparked swift condemnation from two former military bosses Brigadier Eddie Collins and Rear Admiral Gary Best.This newspaper understands that the GDF had reviewed audio and video recordings of Jagdeo’s presentation.Brigadier Phillips yesterday commenced his address by stating that contrary to what has been peddled nationally, the Guyana Defence Force is a professional organisation and remains the stable band in the society.“Service to the nation remains our motto,” he added.Phillips told the ranks that while they have a civic responsibility as citizens to exercise their franchise during National Elections by voting for whichever person or political party they chose, they should however, not allow anyone to make that decision for them.He reminded them also that it was unprofessional to exhibit any form of campaigning on any military base.“Ex-military officers also have the right to participate in the political activities of Guyana. We respect their service to Guyana. However, our current operational decision-making is not influenced by ex-military officers. We take orders from the duly elected President of Guyana, our Commander in Chief, President Donald Ramotar,” he added.The Chief of Staff explained that there will be a large number of representatives from several countries and International bodies in Guyana during the elections period, serving as Observers,Nike Schuhe Neu Herren, and repeated his concern that the highest level of professionalism must be displayed at all times.“You are to avoid any type of confrontational situations regarding political matters, and, if approached by political representatives on matters regarding the GDF, you must refer those persons to me.”Military personnel and other members of the Joint Services will cast their ballots on Saturday,Stitched Jerseys, May 2. Military personnel will be confined from May 6,Wholesale China Jerseys, in preparation for deployment in support of the Guyana Police Force as becomes necessary.It is traditional for the military to vote several days ahead of the general public,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, so that troops can be available for service to the nation as need be, during, and even after the period of National Elections are over.

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