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[本地歌詞] Cheap Jerseys From China nhzscmch









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發表於 2018-8-16 20:20:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Today is a sad day because it bring back memories. People still crying. Nuff people seeing how people who behave like when a child stub ee toe suddenly behave like if a tiger attack dem when dem come face to face wid de same problem.Twenty-five years before Osama Bin-Laden send he people fuh attack Uncle Sam; twenty-five years before bin Laden people fly two plane into de World Trade Centre and into de Pentagon,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, four Venezuelans put two bomb pun a plane that had Guyanese and some Cubans and some Koreans. Since then Venezuela pick story wid Guyana. Dem arrest two of de men and both times de men get away from jail. That couldn’t be coincidence.Guyana know bout terrorism long before de United States even believe that people would attack. In fact,Cheap MLB Jerseys Free Shipping, dem boys always use to hear how de United States never had to fight a battle pun she own soil since she had to fight de South which did still believe in slavery.Time does really fly. Is 40 years but nuff people ain’t forget how Uncle Sam tun round and protect dem terrorist who blow up de plane wid dem Guyanese. Dem boys remember what it was like when dem li’l brother pick a fight and then dem protect him. But is de same people who does want Guyana help dem out.Uncle Sam does keep out people fuh small crimes dem commit in dem own country. Dem let in de Venezuelans.When that plane went down Guyana lose some doctors and some engineers who coulda push this country further. Dem was young people then. Some of dem had plans to get married and have children. That ain’t happen.Wha really use to get dem boys vex is when dem own government never use to pay attention to this thing. Dem didn’t care because was not dem send de students. Jagdeo couldn’t care because he was a still a li’l boy in school.Today,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Soulja Bai going and join wid all those who remember that plane bombing. He gun remember de Guyanese de country lose and de Cubans gun be there to help us remember.Talk half and never forget when Venezuela attack Guyana.

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