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發表於 2018-8-17 02:37:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Thanks to his countrymen who make up the US- based Enterprise Support Group (ESG), Anrood Ramrattan now has a prostethic leg, which will certainly enable to continue his life in some sort of comfort.Ramrattan who heads a family of three, including an adopted daughter, had one of his legs amputated a few years ago and his predicament touched the hearts of members of the support group,Abdou Diallo Jersey, since the family’s only source of income came from the vending of sweets on the roadside by Ramrattan’s wife.The donation of the prostethic leg was part of a series of activities including a massive fun day last month for all the residents of Enterprise,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a tiny East Coast Demerara village aback of Non Pareil.Ramrattan was loud in his praise for the members of the group who he said will certainly be blessed for the assistance they are providing for their fellow villagers.Anrood Ramrattan displays his new prostethic leg which was presented by local steering committee member Rasheed Baksh on behalf of the Enterprise Support Group USA inc.For years, the ESG has been highly supportive of charitable work to the benefit of residents of the community, including the provision of new houses in some cases as well as the renovation of dilapidated ones for their less fortunate countrymen.President of the organization, A. Rickeeram, called Harold, along with other members recently travelled to Guyana to make the provide the assistance firsthand and to examine areas where further help is needed.For the overseas members who were present,NFL Jerseys China, last month’s fun day, in a way, rekindled memories of the days they spent growing up in the village they will forever call home.Apart from the ESG, which put up US$2500, the event was also sponsored by private donors from the community as well as other overseas-based Enterprise citizens.Over 500 residents of all ages attended the fun day, during which they were treated to lunch, drinks and ice cream, free off cost. Notably no alcoholic beverages were tolerated.Other side attractions included cricket matches in the senior, junior and female categories, trampoline and a raffle for the children, and the honouring of the community’s cricketers of the past.A total of 13 plaques were handed out to the past cricketers, while 100 pieces of toys and school supplies, including book bags,Cheap Jerseys Free, pencil cases and board games were distributed.Twelve cricket bats were handed out to encourage the youth of the community to strive to emulate some of the feats of fellow residents,Juventus Jerseys, some of whom have represented Guyana at the highest level.President of the ESG, Mr. Rickeeram, personally donated $70,000 to national cricketer Zaheer Mohamed towards the purchase of a cricket bat.Three hundred thousand dollars was also provided for the hosting of the three softball cricket competitions, with a whopping first prize for the Men’s Senior Competition being $100,000.This first prize was won be the Centre Boys Cricket Team.Nineteen thousand dollars was also earmarked for a Senior Domino Competition in the community.Also recently, the ESG presented 600 books,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, along with a CPU, a keyboard and mouse, to the Enterprise Literacy Library.Children turned out in their numbers for the fun dayAdditionally, a public address system was donated to the Enterprise Friendly Burial Society, while the Enterprise Busta Sports Club was presented with a gear bag.Throughout the fun day,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, the children who were the main beneficiaries kept pulling at Mr. Rickheeram, asking him when he is returning, since they can’t wait for another fun day.

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