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China NFL Jerseys modestly thinks otherwise.









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發表於 2018-8-17 10:32:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Navidad said his military instincts kicked in as he lunged toward the woman trying to catch her.
"I just wished I would've grabbed her and held on to her," Navidad said.  "I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do anything."
Navidad said well-wishers have besieged him, including Raiders' hall of fame cornerback Willie Brown who visited personally. Team officials came to his home, and he received a phone call from Hall of Fame wide receiver Fred Biletnikoff.
Donnie Navidad said he was among several people pleading with the woman not to jump Sunday as he positioned himself to try catching her. When she plunged about 45 feet from the upper deck at the O.co Coliseum, Navidad, with his arms open, ended up breaking her fall.
"I yelled up at her yelling, 'Don't do it, don't do it. Please don't jump,'" Navidad said. "And she started to descend and she let herself go."
Last weekend, two fans were injured in Orchard Park, N.Y., after one fan slid down a railing from the upper deck of Ralph Wilson Stadium during the Buffalo Bills' home game against the Jets. Both were briefly hospitalized and released.
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — The injured man authorities say saved a woman's life after she jumped from the third level of the Oakland Raiders' stadium said Monday that he's no hero and he would do it again.
"He simply saved her life," Alameda County sheriff's Sgt. J.D. Nelson said. "Otherwise,Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, she'd be dead."
On the NFL's opening day this year, a fan died from a fall off a pedestrian overpass outside Candlestick Park in San Francisco,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and two others were injured when a railing collapsed at the Colts' game against the Raiders in Indianapolis.
"He couldn't grab and hold her, and that's what bothers him," his wife, Lora Navidad, said Monday. "He had no fear or thought for his own well-being."
The incident in Oakland was the second such fall at an NFL game Sunday. In Baltimore, a 48-year-old man was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after he fell on some stairs at M&T Bank Stadium during the Ravens game against the New York Jets, authorities said.
"They want to label me a hero, but how do you define a hero?" Navidad asks. "I would've done it for anybody."
The 61-year-old Marine Corps veteran was hospitalized overnight and was recuperating from a severely bruised arm at his home in Stockton.
He plans to be at the Raiders' next home game against the Kansas City Chiefs on Dec,Cheap NFL Jerseys. 15,Discount Football Jerseys.
Navidad, a father of four with 12 grandkids who works as an inventory surveillance worker for the General Services Administration in nearby French Camp, Calif., modestly thinks otherwise.
A Raiders season ticket holder,Custom Indiana Pacers Jerseys, Navidad said he was with a buddy lingering near the Al Davis commemorative flame at the coliseum when he saw and heard the commotion around the woman, who was on the ledge in the upper deck concourse area that's covered by tarp.
The woman remained hospitalized in critical condition. Her name has not been released.
Nelson, who visited Navidad in the hospital Sunday evening, called him "a hero."
Both of them hit the concrete hard from the impact about 15 minutes after the Raiders' 23-19 loss to the Tennessee Titans,Allan Houston Jersey.

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