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Like most parents, Denise McPherson, did not imagine having to bury any of her four children. But as fateDenise McPherson and Allisia in happy times.would have it, she had to do just that earlier this year.McPherson lost her eldest child, 18-year-old Allisia McPherson, on April 19,NFL Jerseys From China, 2015. Her death was reportedly the handiwork of her 21-year-old boyfriend, Shivanand Roopnarine, who has ever since avoided being captured by police. This is in spite of him insisting that he was not the culprit who inflicted multiple stab wounds to the young McPherson while they were at a party at Cappy’s Place, Dennis Street, Sophia.But McPherson told this publication that people have admitted that on the night in question, “people say they see him slapping her up.”Since no eyewitness has shared any useful information with police, it is now left up to them to uncover evidence to prove that the young woman was killed by the man in whose company she left her mother’s 612 ‘C’ Field Turkeyen, Sophia, home.The older McPherson has not been coping well with her daughter’s death. In fact, she has intimated that her grief has been near unbearable. “She did everything with this boy. Anywhere she went was with this boy; they were like inseparable,” said Denise McPherson, the dead woman’s mother.The woman claimed that she was unaware of any trouble between the two that could have forced Roopnarine to commit murder. However, she is worried that her daughter concealed that she was abused by her boyfriend.The two, according to the woman, were in a relationship for well over a year.Still on the run: Shivanand RoopnarineAlthough her daughter never told her about any abuse in the relationship, McPherson said that she was inclined to believe that the man is guilty of killing her daughter otherwise, he would have turned himself over to the police by now.According to the woman, losing her daughter has been especially hard; the fact that the perpetrator has not been caught is even more disheartening.And the pain was especially overwhelming for her on Sunday last. Sunday was the first Mother’s Day that the woman spent without her eldest child and it was no easy experience for her.In tears she recounted to this publication how difficult it was to spend the day, knowing that she would never see her daughter in this life again.  “She was a good child; she was so helpful,” recounted the woman who was inconsolable on Mother’s Day.Mother’s Day she recalled, was always a very exciting day at her home but now she is left to wonder if that will ever be the case again. “I cried throughout the day. I cook enough for her to get even though I know she wasn’t going to come…she is my first child and I can’t believe she is the first to go,” McPherson lamented.Reminiscing on last year (2014) Mother’s Day, McPherson said that it was Allisia who was the first to wish her “Happy Mother’s Day” and presented her with a beautiful wall picture that she will forever cherish. “She was the kind of daughter that would wait up till 12 (am) and text me Happy Mother’s Day, or Happy Birthday, or Happy Christmas, just so that when I wake up and check my phone I would see she remembered…she always wanted to be the first to put a smile on my face,” said a downcast McPherson.While McPherson has accepted that nothing will bring her daughter back she is however hopeful, that justice for her daughter will not remain elusive.The distraught woman registered her disappointment that even as one month nears since the passing of her daughter’s untimely death, it seems as though police have made no headway into the case. But according to the woman several persons have in the recent past claimed to have seen the man around the East Bank Demerara area. The woman said that she has even been informed that the man is living somewhere in Grove, East Bank Demerara.McPherson said that several persons claimed to have seen the man at a party in that area. Reports are that he has altered his image to avoid detection.According to the woman she has shared all this information with police but the police are insisting that they have not been able to ascertain the man’s whereabouts.“All I want is justice for my daughter. Nothing can’t bring she back but at least I want to know that the police working on this case and don’t just leave it down,” a sobbing McPherson said.

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