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發表於 2018-8-17 21:51:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police in the mining town of Linden are on a manhunt for a man who shot his ex-lover and her male friend early yesterday morning.Several residents of Half Mile, Wismar, Linden were rudely awakened from their slumber yesterday morning by the sound of gunshots shattering the early morning serenity.In its wake, 40 year old Sherwin Hughes, of 138 Blue Berry Hill, and 41-year old Simone Belle, of 102 Half Mile who were both shot by a marauding gunman, had to be rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex for urgent medical attention. They were later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital, for further treatment.According to reports, the suspect who previously shared a relationship with Belle, had been observed hiding out in the woman’s yard earlier in the night.“This is a domestic dispute gone too far. He (shooter) used to live with the woman, but she put he out, and like he ain’t want tek lef. People seh he beat she up, and she been by some friends and is carry they de carrying she home, when de shooting up tek place,” a source close to Belle told this newspaper.Police in a statement said that their investigations so far have revealed that Simone Belle had just arrived home in a vehicle driven by Sherwin Hughes, when shots were discharged at them by a man who is reported to have shared a relationship with Belle and which was ended several months ago.According to reports, as Belle and Hughes pulled up to her house, persons who had seen the suspect lurking in the dark, shouted to the driver, “Drive, don’t stop!”“So dey drive past and de going up the road past the house but the gunman,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, run behind the vehicle shooting at dem. So the driver jump out and run, with the gunman in hot pursuit,” another source said.One resident noted, “I dive for cover, lying prostrate on the floor until all the commotion died down. I don’t think that anyone ventured to peek out at that point.”A relative of Sherwin Hughes said that the wounded man later underwent emergency surgery at the Georgetown Hospital, where several bullets were reportedly removed from his body.Hughes was reportedly shot in the back, as he fled the scene. He was also shot in the hand and leg, according to reports.This newspaper was unable to ascertain the wounded woman’s condition, since she was still undergoing surgery when this newspaper visited the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation yesterday afternoon.

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