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發表於 2018-8-18 04:50:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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—if unable to account for spending in Sprinkles prog.“Worrying,” was the adjective used by Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, as he spoke of the possibility of Government having to repay substantial sums that might have been misappropriated by the previous administration.Government, this publication has learnt,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, will have to repay over US$400,000 to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) if it is not able to account for spending associated with the Sprinkles Programme which was introduced by the Ministry of Health under the previous administration.The distribution of sprinkles to mothers represented part of a Basic Nutrition Programme aimed at addressing a number of nutritional challenges in Guyana including anaemia and low birth weight.This publication was reliably informed that the IDB has written to Government asking that it shows how the money it loaned for the sprinkles programme was expended.Reports reaching this publication, suggest that the previous administration (the People’s Progressive Party Civic) had habitually signed for IDB loans although the required Project Execution Units, intended to guide the spending, were not in place at the time.Although unable to comment extensively on the state of affairs, Minister Norton yesterday intimated that he is aware that “there has been some disquiet about the whole Sprinkles Programme and the money that was used for it.”He however noted that ascertaining how the funds were utilised is likely to be a rather tedious task. This is because not only was the spending not done under the current Government but the Permanent Secretary under whose remit it would have been done is no longer in the employ of the Ministry.Mr Trevor Thomas who is currently acting in the capacity of Permanent Secretary (PS) and will be among the key players to help account for the money is currently abroad on work detail and therefore was not available to comment on the matter.“He would be in the most suitable position to answer any question on this matter,” said Minister Norton of Thomas yesterday.“If we can’t account for the money that was used then we would most logically have to repay… mostly likely that would be the obvious conclusion if we can’t account for the money spent or used,” said Minister Norton as he insisted that “all this was done under the previous administration.”“Even my PS now would not have been responsible for things happening then. Only last week we were in Washington and I needed the presence of my PS there but he had to come back to try to resolve the situation before we end up in crisis,” said the Public Health Minister.According to the Minister too, ongoing forensic audits have also uncovered a number of spending discrepancies in the Health Ministry. These are also being investigated.

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