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發表於 2018-8-18 08:19:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It was near pandemonium yesterday in the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court being presided over by Magistrate Rhondell Weever.The chaotic situation came about when one of the witnesses began behaving in a hostile manner while giving her evidence in the high profile murder trial of Rooplall  Abrahim, called Vijai 24, of Bath , West Coast Berbice and Gocoul Madanpaul, 18, called ‘Clown’,Cheap Baseball Jerseys Authentic, of 175 Block B Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice.The two men are accused of murdering Anita Baichan between Sunday January 3, and Monday January 4, 2016, at Plantation Hope/ Bath, West Coast Berbice.The witness Taramattie Ramdeen, called “Tara”, 37, a domestic worker of Lot 175 Block D Plantation Bath, West Coast Berbice, and the mother of Madanpaul, was the fourth witness called at the commencement of the Preliminary Inquiry into the murder.During her evidence, it was noted by the Prosecution that the woman was changing her story drastically, contrary to the statement she had given to the police.The woman began to behave in a hostile manner and was repeatedly warned by the Magistrate. However she continued.When confronted with the changing story by Prosecutor Sergeant Althea Solomon, the woman became hysterical and began slamming on the rail of the witness box. She started to use abusive and indecent language.“You know me head ain’t good. I don with this kiss me ass court.” Efforts to restrain her were met with verbal and physical abuse as the woman lashed out at those in her path.Ramdeen was sentenced to seven days in jail by Magistrate Weever for contempt. The time was said to be to allow her to reflect on her unruly behavior.Again efforts to restrain the woman as she was being led away were met with stern resistance. Police officers were roughed up and a security guard at the court was injured and had to seek medical attention.Additional charges are likely to be laid against the woman including resisting arrest, disorderly behavior and wounding among others.All the while during this melee, the two high profile criminals Abrahim and Madanpaul sat silently in the courtroom.

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