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發表於 2018-8-30 15:42:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An East Bank Demerara fisherman has reportedly confessed to killing La Parfait Harmonie taxi driver Dennis Narine,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, with jealousy over a female being his primary motive.The young fisherman was apprehended at La Grange, West Bank Demerara on Wednesday after he was identified as a habitual visitor to the Narines home.He is likely to appear in court today.According to reports, police received information that a car with suspicious looking characters was seen circling in the La Grange area.Ranks intercepted the vehicle and realised that the murder suspect was one of the occupants. He was positively identified by a person who police say is a main witness in the matter.Narine was shot dead at his home at around 02.00 hrs on May 31.Police were initially told that the taxi driver,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, his wife and three children were asleep when Narine was aroused by a noise at a window.Narine is said to have told his wife to take his three sleeping children to safety,Jerseys China Wholesale, while he armed himself with a cutlass and went to investigate.It was reportedly then that someone fired a shot through the window, hitting Narine in the chest.Residents reportedly saw a man fleeing the scene,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but were reportedly unable to see his features in the darkness.But investigators suspected that Narine’s killer was known to him and was on the lookout for him.They had detained Narine’s reputed wife and searched a Grove, East Bank Demerara residence for a male suspect,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, but only managed to apprehend him last Wednesday.The victim’s mother,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, Bibi Shamina Khan, who lives a few doors away,Jerseys From China, recalled hearing two gunshots at around 02.00 hrs and hearing her daughter-in-law’s screams.Khan said that she rushed over to check on the family and found her son bleeding from a wound to his upper body.He was pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.Narine’s parents have described him and a hard-working and honest individual.

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