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發表於 2018-9-10 17:17:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A post mortem examination done on the remains of Anita Baichan, the woman who was bound, gagged andDead: Anita Baichanleft to die in her burning house at Plantation Hope, West Coast Berbice (WCB) by two sadistic men, has revealed that she died from smoke inhalation.The examination was done by Pathologist Dr. Vivekanand Bridgemohan at the Fort Wellington Hospital, WCB. The 49-year-old mother was laid to rest yesterday in her hometown.Meanwhile, as investigators continue their probe, a senior police official confirmed that the ex-lover of one of Baichan’s daughters is still being considered as the prime suspect in the woman’s death.Kaieteur News was told that detectives are convinced that Sunday night’s incident was an inside job and was done/planned by someone who is familiar with the house. They believed that robbery was not the motive.The suspect, an ex-policeman and another individual were charged two years ago with the execution-style murder of a woman and the wounding of her sister.The matter against the duo was subsequently discharged in 2014.The woman’s son, Moshim Khan, was also bound, gagged, beaten and left to die in the burning building but he managed to escape.One of Khan’s sisters, Natasha- a teacher also resided at the house but when the men entered she was not in the country. In fact, the men entered the home around 02:00 hrs last Sunday and his sister was returning home from the United States of America at 08:00 hrs.Khan, in an interview, told this newspaper that the masked men entered the two storey house by removing a part of the grill work at one of the windows in the bottom flat.He explained that he and his mother went to bed around 21:00 hrs on Saturday after watching a movie.“I deh sleeping and I feel a sharp lash around my eye and before meh could open meh eye, meh feel another one and then me see a man standing in front of me with a cutlass to my neck and he said to me, ‘Don’t make noise,’. Then I realized someone chopping meh in me sleep,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” Khan recalled.He said that the intruder tied him with strips of cloth and dragged him to his mother’s room where she was already tied and was being stomped on by another masked man as they continuously demanded cash.The men also inquired about his sister but according to Khan, he lied and told them that she was already married and was living with her husband.Khan said that his mother suffered mostly. He said she was bleeding from her face and she was crying out in pain continuously. He noted, too, that she was losing consciousness.“Meh asked dem to give me some Limacol to rub it on her and he (bandit) went and get it so meh stretch meh hand to collect it but he started making fun of us and he open it and throw it all over we and he take cream and spray it on us and then one of them take a drink from the fridge and throw it on we. Them went mocking we when we begging for we life,” the son said.The traumatized young man said that the two men ‘smoked weed’ and blew the smoke on their faces.Investigations are ongoing.

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