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發表於 2018-9-15 06:29:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“The depth of her imagination is what adds quality to her artistry” was the general opinion of spectators at Dominique Hunter’s début drawing exhibition held at the Castellani House on Friday.The exhibition dubbed “Introspection” was attended by quite a number of “fascinated” regular art viewers who were extensively impressed by the work of Hunter.Mystic, a young singer/songwriter attached to Brutal Tracks, also treated the viewers by indulging them in their “absolute enjoyment” prompted by his performance.Dominique Hunter posses with one of her pieces “Introspection”The 23-year-old, who has created 25 artistic pieces, uses primarily Graphite pencil and pencil crayons to create her pieces. However, a few of her creations were produced through her skillful use of digital photo manipulation and mixed media.According to Curator Elfrieda Bissember, Hunter’s work “has logic and harmony, as their frame works (literally in some cases) and others are clearly established through her sound drawing and compositional skills… she has great potential as an artist”.Bissember further opined that an interesting example of the development of Hunter’s ideas is the series of works, beginning with a piece called Machine Man, a study of a hunched sprinter at the starting line,World Baseball Classic Jerseys Outlet, which evolves through three Anatomical Abstractions exploring the human body one stage after another.She said that Hunter’s work ultimately personifies the mystery of the artistic process even though the outcome may seem as a matter of faith and imagination rather than calculated possibilities.As expressed in Hunter’s work, the power of “good art” comes from the strength of inner vision,World Soccer Shop, the facility of sound skills, and the boundless horizon of ideas and dreams.Other established artists at the exhibition, voiced the opinion that the Hunter, being as young as she is,jerseys nfl wholesale, showcased a wide range of creativity and imaginational depth.The Bishop’s High and Burrowes School of Art graduate said that she knows not where she sees herself six years from now since,Deportivas Asics Hombre Baratas, six years ago, she never imagined “this”- her solo exhibition.“My art is just that, art; ever-changing and always seeking enlightenment”.Introspection, one of her paintings that carries the same name of the exhibition, showcases a theme of one’s subconscious floating on clouds of contemplation, closely intellectually examining one’s self and thoughts.The artist explained that initially, her vision for “Introspection”, which continues until Saturday 15th January 2011, was to have it be an exclusive graphite drawing exhibition. However, “after much consideration” she decided to include earlier colourful works,Cheap Jerseys From China, to give the viewer a sense of the Journey she started six years ago.Hunter revealed that, what is most evident in her recent work is her “fascination with juxtaposing reality and fantasy” to create what she likes referring to as “alternate reality”.“Not all those who wonder are lost”,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, JRR Tolkien,Cheap Jerseys Online, is a very pertinent quote acknowledged by Hunter since it simply explains her depth as an artist, explores but knows what she wants, “Imaginative Independent and bold”!

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