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Wholesale Air Max vjpphj1d









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發表於 2018-9-16 00:58:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thousands braved the rain to enjoy the performance of the “Master of Lovers Rock”, Beres Hammond, at the “More Beres” concert, last weekend at the Providence National Stadium.Beres Hammond doing his thing last weekendThe inclement weather was no deterrent for patrons of the New Year’s first major concert as people came prepared for whatever the elements had to offer, in anticipation of, not only Hammond but, rising Jamaican star Romain Virgo.Other performers included Guyanese artistes like Jackie Jaxx, Super Ray and Mingles Sound Machine, who managed to successfully hype up the crowd by the time the two Jamaicans made their respective appearances.Making his first Guyanese performance was the young and vibrant Virgo, who initially connected with the more youthful sections of the audience. However, as the entertainer carried on with a high energy performance, he managed to captivate the more mature members of the crowd.This showed that the up and coming artiste definitely possesses the star power to carry a show, especially in Guyana, as he essentially received the stamp of approval by those in attendance.By the time the main attraction made his appearance on stage,Wholesale Jerseys, raving fans were prepared to sing and dance along to the superstar’s classic hits.It is a grand testament to a performer when generations of attendees can all share in the euphoria that your music brings, and Beres Hammond was once again successful in doing that. The seasoned entertainer jumped and sang all over the stage with a vigour that outdid his younger colleagues.Romain Virgo serenading the crowd at the National StadiumThe Caribbean icon delivered a performance that left the crowd wanting more, especially after flowing with a number of notable songs like “I Feel Good”, “Warriors Don’t Cry” and “Full Attention”. In fact, through many portions of his show-stopping presentation, the tarmac of the National Stadium turned into an all-out “umbrella party”.The consensus by those attending was that the concert had hit the mark. (Nicholas Peters)

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