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發表於 2018-9-17 17:29:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“… she was the only person with what appeared to be a gun.”Murder accused Ashanti Shultz Yesterday as the Ashanti ‘Blondie’ Shultz murder trial commenced, the first witness to take the stand before Justice William Ramlal, Police Detective Constable Kenton De Younge, placed Schultz at the scene.Shultz, a broker, of 109 Eccles, East Bank Demerara, is before the court for the murder of Kenrick Nero, a 58 year old hospital porter, on September 18, 2007.Special Prosecutor Ganesh Hira, who led the witness in his evidence in chief, heard DeYounge place the accused at the New Court Yard, formerly Palm Court, where the incident occurred.De Younge told the court that on the night in question, he and four others including another police constable, went to the night spot for a ‘lime’. He said that he is very familiar with the accused.According to the witness, months prior to the incident, the accused was pointed out to him by senior police officers at Avalanche Night Club on Sheriff Street.De Younge told the court that after arriving at the nightspot he was engaged in a conversation with a female friend, but left the female soon after to talk with other friends.Some time later, he said he bought two bottles of Guinness, one for himself and the other for a friend. He added that a while after he noticed a commotion just in front of the night spot.According to De Younge, he noticed the accused with an object that appeared to be a gun in her hand pointed in his direction.He said that he ran for cover to the inner part of the building.Soon after De Younge said he heard several loud explosions. As the noise died down, he ran back to the front of the building and then to the front gate of the night spot.Once at the gate, the witness told the court that he noticed Nero (the wounded security guard) lying on the ground in a pool of blood and a wound to his right side chest.De Younge said he quickly summoned the assistance of others to put the injured Nero into a taxi.“I spoke to the driver and he left. Myself, two other friends, and another police joined a taxi and followed the car in which Nero went to the Georgetown Hospital,” De Younge said.He further informed the court that when he arrived at the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit, he made inquiries and then went into the emergency room, where he saw Nero lying on a bed.He added that when he saw Nero on the bed, he was motionless and appeared to be dead.“I then used my cellular phone to contact Operations Room, Brickdam, to report the incident and I waited for a while.”De Younge said that after waiting for a while, Assistant Superintendent Trotz and Constable Elias arrived at the hospital. The witness further informed the court that while in the emergency room, he noticed ASP Trotz talking with a doctor and taking notes.The detective added that Trotz told him something and he left and went home.De Younge during his testimony stated that after that night, a confrontation was held by Inspector Scotland with himself and the accused.De Younge said at the end of the confrontation the accused denied everything. He further told the court that no one else at the scene was seen with any object that appeared to be a gun.Defence Counsel Nigel Hughes in the cross examination, tried to establish if the witness gave any statement after the incident. He then asked the witness about the number of statements he had given.De Younge said he had given three written statements on the incident, but could only remember the dates on which he gave the first two statements. Hughes further tried to get the witness to paint a clear picture of the entire layout of the nightspot and his exact location when the incident occurred.However, the matter was adjourned and Hughes is expected to continue his cross examination later today.In February, 27-year-old Shultz was committed by Magistrate Oneidge Walrond-Allicock, in the Magistrates’ Court to stand trial for the murder of Kenrick Nero.It was reported that Shultz and other women were involved in an argument, when she allegedly went to her car and took out the weapon.She then allegedly fired shots in a wild manner, hitting Nero who died, and two other men,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, but missed her intended target.Nero was said to be sitting next to a ticket booth close to the New Court Yard Restaurant and Bar when he was hit.

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