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發表於 2018-9-18 07:17:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police have charged the night spot patron who was shot during last Sunday’s fracas outside the New Court Yard on Main Street,Wholesale UK NBA Jerseys, while a man who was wanted for questioning in connection with the same incident has surrendered.Erasto Roberts,Cheap Jerseys USA, 30, of Toucan Drive, South Ruimveldt was yesterday remanded to prison by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.He pleaded not guilty to discharging a loaded firearm on March 21,China Jerseys Wholesale, last, at Main Street.He is expected to make another court appearance today before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton.In a twist of events yesterday, after Roberts was already remanded to prison he was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital for observation.According to a source at the hospital, Roberts and his attorney told the accompanying police officers that they were granted an order in the High Court, which stated that Roberts was prematurely discharged from the hospital.After about a half of an hour in the Accident and Emergency Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital, doctors at the institution told Roberts that he was properly discharged and that his injuries were not “life threatening”,NFL Jerseys Supply, neither enough for him to be readmitted to the hospital.Roberts was reportedly involved in an altercation with another man at around 02:30 hrs on Sunday when he was shot in the stomach.The argument allegedly started in the New Court Yard night spot and ended on Main Street.Also wounded were Joseph Medford, 45,Wholesale Jerseys Store, who was shot in the left knee, and Jamal Douglas, 22, of Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, who was shot in the foot.The police have since reported that Abdul Imran Khan,Cheap Buffalo Bills Jerseys, a 22-year-old butcher, has turned himself in.Khan was also wanted in connection with the discharging of a loaded firearm. Khan, a resident of Campbellville, was accompanied by his attorney.He is being detained at the Brickdam Police Station.According to the police, a South Ruimveldt resident who took Roberts to the GPHC was detained after an unlicensed Taurus pistol,Cheap NFL Jerseys, with six matching rounds, was found in his car.

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