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發表於 2018-9-18 08:52:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Cabinet is dissatisfied with the slow pace at which various programmes involving the procurement of goods and services, erection of buildings, and construction of roads and bridges are being implemented in the Regions.Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker made these disclosures during an interview with this publication over the weekend.He said that the Ministry has been inviting top officials, including Regional Chairmen and Regional Executive Officers, to provide updates on the status of each line item.Offering broad examples of what Cabinet is dissatisfied with, Whittaker said in the area of health, the procurement of medication and equipment has been inadequate, while in Public Works, the erection of bridges and roads has been slothful.According to Whittaker, the Ministry continually inspects work at both the Regional and Neighourhood Democratic Councils. In fact, the last check was done in July/August. In addition, Cabinet receives an Accountability Framework Report that identifies the number of works done, amount of money spent, and the outstanding projects.He stated that some of the reasons cited for the poor implementation are unfavourable weather conditions in relation to road projects, contractors being overwhelmed with too many projects, and the late passage of the National Budget.On Monday, Region Four Chairman Clement Corlette and other top officials of the Region met with Whittaker. Corlette said that the meeting was based on ascertaining difficulties that officials were encountering while implementing projects, and reasons for the delays. He noted the Ministry provided no recommendations to hasten the pace of works.According to Corlette, at the last Regional Democratic Council meeting held in August,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Councillors were alarmed that only 34 percent of the Region’s budget for capital works was expended.Corlette said that the Regional Executive Officer informed the Ministry that several projects have been completed but because the final inspections are yet to be executed, payments were not disbursed to contractors.He believes that there is more to the slow implementation of the projects, and said that Regional bodies have been receiving releases late from the Ministry of Finance. In addition, Councillors have not been receiving their stipends and travelling allowances from Government in a timely manner.Corlette mentioned that contractors who have several contracts running simultaneously have difficulty in completing their projects, according to contract stipulations. He said currently a number of contractors have outstanding projects that require hastening.Another matter Corlette finds troubling is the awarding of contracts to the lowest bidder, when it is clear the contract value cannot complete the task. He said oftentimes projects remain at a standstill because more money is required for conclusion.

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