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發表於 2018-9-19 02:20:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A horrific accident on the Itabali/Puruni Road yesterday afternoon claimed the life of a truck driver who according to reports, had been on a drinking spree earlier in the day.Rescuers had to use a welding torch to free the trapped driver from the wreckage.Reports reaching this newspaper stated that the driver whose name was given as Raymond Singh, called ‘Pooh’, succumbed on his away to the Bartica Hospital just before 16:00 hours, minutes after he was pulled from the wreckage.Four other persons who were in the truck survived the accident which occurred some four miles from the Itabali landing.  At least two of them were taken to hospital, while the porter who was in the cab with the driver, miraculously escaped without a scratch.“De porter had to be saying he prayers in that truck because nothing ain’t happen to he,” one eyewitness told this newspaper.According to sources at Itabali the truck had crossed on the Mekdeci Crossing around 09:00 hours on its way to a mining camp at a place called Kumung.However, the driver opted to stop at the Itabali landing for a “drink” before proceeding onwards.He did not leave until around 15:00 hours.According to a source, about 30 minutes after taking off, disaster struck.Reports are that the driver lost control of the truck causing it to veer off the roadway into the thick bushes, mowing down trees and toppling at least two times before coming to a halt about 100 feet away.Some persons on an ATV, which was travelling ahead of the truck and was heading to the same camp, heard the commotion behind them and decided to turn back to investigate.They were horrified to see the toppled truck in a clump of bushes.While all the other occupants managed to free themselves from the wrecked truck,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, the driver remained pinned inside the cab.It took rescuers close to 30 minutes to free him, but by them it was too late.“We had to use a torch to cut open the cab, then we had to get winch and prise off the top and then we had to pull the steering wheel off of he,” an eyewitness told this newspaper.Singh was placed on an ATV heading for Bartica but never made it to medical attention.“Dis man been drinking since nine o’clock dis morning and when he tek off was sheer speed,” another eyewitness stated.

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