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發表於 2018-9-20 03:09:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Robert Arrington, the host of the fishing television show “Reel Adventures” has wrapped up filming in the North Rupununi while mapping locations for the setting up of eco-lodges in Guyana.At the end of the previous show he filmed in Guyana in October 2008, he stated, “(Guyana) is a place I will never forget and I will return often.”Arrington made good on that promise, when from March 17 to last Sunday, along with his videographer, Joshua Gregory, he was back in Guyana filming more fishing shows and researching options for fishing and birding tourism.“Upon the completion of my second expedition here in Guyana, I am even (surer) there is great potential among the community of traveling fishers and outdoor enthusiasts, and throughout Guyana,” Kirk Smock, Senior Writer with the Guyana Sustainable Tourism Initiative, quoted Arrington as saying at the end of the trip.For this visit, Arrington explored four rivers in Guyana’s North Rupununi region. Over nine days a team of explorers used two boats outfitted with 15-hp outboard engines to cover roughly 280 miles along the Burro Burro, Sipiruni, Essequibo, Rupununi and Rewa rivers.Arrington and Gregory filmed the trip for future episodes of Reel Adventures, but the main goal was to explore the potential for developing a string of fishing lodges in partnership with Amerindian communities that can be used for catch-and-release sport fishing, bird watching, and scientific research-based trips.The group started the trip at Surama village, along the Burro River, then traveled to the Sipiruni River and connected to the Essequibo River. After spending one night at the Iwokrama River Lodge, they continued along the Essequibo River until connecting with the Rupununi River and ending at Rewa village.Throughout the trip, they practised catch-and-release fishing, including for Arapaima at Rewa.The team consisted of local boat captains and guides; lead fishing guide, Robert (Fred) Allicock; and escorts Sydney Allicock (Surama Village leader and North Rupununi District Development Board Chair) and Judy Karwacki (Conservation International project representative).Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and Conservation International (CI) were the major supporters for the expedition to further develop the plan to build a series of lodges complete with modern yet eco-friendly accommodations.Arrington received strong support from Surama Village and on this expedition also received the support of Wilderness Explorers and Caribbean Airlines.Reel Adventures first became interested in Guyana after James Currie,Jerseys NFL China, the host of Birding Adventures, a partner show that focuses on bird watching, met a group from the Guyana Sustainable Tourism Initiative (GSTI) at the 2008 American Birding Association convention.GSTI is a joint project of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the United States Agency for International Development.

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