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The Ministry of Housing and Water is warning against persons claiming to have rights over reserved plots in the Eccles Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara.The reserved sites were meant to serve as playfields in the Block “EE” Eccles Housing Scheme.However,Dale Hawerchuk Jersey, several concerned residents recently complained that there are persons falsely claiming that they have purchased these reserved plots.The Ministry of Housing and Water, in a press release yesterday, stated that these fraudsters are attempting to illegally occupy land within the subdivision and are engaging in fraudulent activities.Persons are also being urged not to participate in any such type of activity and be aware of this problem.“The general public is hereby warned not to be lured into any transactions purportedly related to any land at Block EE Eccles. All legal transactions are conducted at the offices of the Ministry and not at any other unauthorized location(s),” the press release said. The public is also being asked to report all suspicious activities that might come to their attention, to the Head Office of the Ministry immediately.Kaieteur News understands that the Ministry will not recognize or validate any fraudulent transaction related to land at Block EE Eccles, specifically, or any other land that is within its purview.Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, told Kaieteur News yesterday that his Ministry is taking precautionary methods to protect citizens from being lured into such situations.While the culprits have not been identified or ‘caught’, the Ministry has received a number of telephone calls from persons, notifying them of this incident.“We have been getting calls from persons telling us that this is happening and we want to protect them. In the past we have had people falsely representing that they own certain properties and such and we have had to take them to court. So we are sending a notice out to avoid these things from happening,” said Ali.

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