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發表於 2018-9-21 22:13:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A report on a fishing trawler explosion that claimed the life of one person and left another missing more than five months ago is still to be handed over to the Fisheries Department, an official there has said.The government’s Maritime Administration Department (MARITIME) had been tasked by the Ministry of Public Works to prepare the report.Kaieteur News understands that the report contains several recommendations and also slammed a number of glaring safety deficiencies found during the course of the probe.According to the Fisheries Department official, the Ministry of Agriculture has been awaiting the report since it is crucial to a number of changes earmarked for the fishing industry.Recently, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, said that the report was not yet ready to be released and that there were still some outstanding issues.The vessel ‘Captain Lloyd’, which is registered to Prittipaul Singh Investments,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, exploded in the North West area almost five months ago.When contacted last month, an official from the seafood giant said that the company was anxiously awaiting the findings of the report.The official said that the report would bring closure to the tragic incident, and would help them to move ahead positively.A source within the Maritime Administration had stated that several recommendations have been suggested to the company.One is that the company, Prittipaul Singh Investments, should develop a quality management system which tells each person employed there what he or she is required to do.More so,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the report has suggested that Prittipaul Singh Investments should develop more quality standards.The report also sought to make the recommendation that emergency drills should be carried out more often.Crewmember,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Orlon Munroe, 19, one of the three persons hospitalised after the trawler mishap, succumbed months after the explosion. The teen,China Football Jerseys Cheap, up until his death,China NBA Jerseys, was a patient in the Burns Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital.Munroe sustained burns to over 90 percent of his body. Also injured in the freak accident were Keith Adams, 20,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, of Cane Grove,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mahaica and George Fitzpatrick of West Ruimveldt.Relatives of the dead teen had said that they were anxiously awaiting the findings of the report.Munroe had told this newspaper that they (crewmembers) had attempted to start the engine shortly after pumping fuel from a drum but a wire started to spark and the next thing, there was fire “all over”.There were suggestions that proper systems were not followed in pumping the fuel.

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