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發表於 2018-9-24 19:15:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The notion that global partnership is essential to implement a visionary strategy that combines sustainable forestry and the development of a low-carbon economy was emphasized by President Bharrat Jagdeo when he addressed the gathering yesterday at the Conservation International Global Campaign being held in New York.The campaign is being held under the theme ‘Lost there, Felt here’.According to the President,cheap jerseys from china, not only do tropical forests provide an enormous sink for greenhouse gases which must be sequestered in the global fight against climate change, they also provide the world with the rain which sustains its agriculture; with medicines that improve the health of people everywhere, and with an unequalled bio-diversity that will lead to solutions to problems for generations to come.“In short, the world needs tropical forests, and future generations in all parts of the world deserve that we slow their destruction. Conservation International has provided global vision on the need to protect our environment and I commend them for convening this event to draw attention to the immense contribution that tropical forests make to the world.”Jagdeo stated that Guyana is prepared to be a model for the world in devising partnerships, even as he asserted that there are some principles that must be respected.“…We are willing to place almost our entire rainforest – which is larger than England – under the supervision of an international body to ensure compliance with world-class forestry standards.As I have said before, we will do this if we can find the right market-based mechanisms to make it economically worthwhile.”He pointed out that despite the fact that Guyana is acutely feeling the impact of rising sea levels and adverse weather patterns,NFL Jerseys Outlet, given that the most productive land is below sea level “we do not want to simply complain about this.We recognize that as a nation where over 80 per cent of our surface area is tropical rainforest, we have an obligation to our own people and the wider world to do something. In doing this,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the development needs of our people will always come first,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and we will continue to preserve our sovereignty over the forest.”He said that deforestation causes global challenges of an immense scale that are not only felt in the United States, but across all parts of the planet even where there are no forests.He noted that even those who do not share the view that there are anthropogenic causes of climate change support, the contention that tropical deforestation should be addressed to avoid loss of medical advances,Cheap Jerseys From China, erosion of bio-diversity and the disappearance of freshwater resources.“We need to understand why it takes place and to recognise that rainforest countries need new paths to development that do not rely on unsustainable exploitation of their forests.We also need to recognize the vicious circle of destruction that links climate change and deforestation. “In these circumstances, nobody can say with a clear conscience that communities should not seek to utilise the resources that are present in their forests.These all-too-human reasons must be addressed if we are to preserve the world’s forests – we must make it more valuable to leave our trees standing than to cut them down.”The President noted that this can be achieved if efforts are made to forge a post-Kyoto climate agreement where the international community must devise solutions that are proportional to the causes of climate change.Additionally, the need to assist developing countries plot a new model of development which avoids the high-carbon growth path was noted as essential.Jagdeo emphasised that the key to success is international partnership.“We need a coalition of progressive forces, ­governments, businesses,NFL Jerseys From China, non-governmental organizations and conscientious people everywhere to keep the issue of tropical deforestation and the need for low-carbon models of development in the forefront of the world’s policy debate.Tropical deforestation must receive the same level of attention, resources, intellect and innovation as other global problems and partnership is the key to achieving this,China Soccer Jerseys,” he asserted.

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