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發表於 2018-9-28 13:34:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Sharmain GraingerCritical thinking coupled with a more holistic approach aided by research should encompass the way nurses within the local health sector operate.  At least this is the recommendation of a recent graduate of the University of Guyana’s Bachelors of Science Degree programme in Nursing,Cheap Jerseys, Vilma Persaud.Dr. Emanuel CummingsAhead of undertaking the programme, Persaud was able to garner much experience in the sector and has even offered her nursing skills to the reputable Caribbean Heart Institute situated in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Her experience has in fact taught her that in order for the ideal quality of nurses to be plugged into the system there is need, from the initial stage, for the right persons to be selected.“In order for you to have the right quality of persons to be nurses, you have to first choose the right types to be placed into the nursing schools for training,” Persaud affirmed.She pointed to the fact that there has been evidence to support that some individuals had sought to join the noble profession with ulterior motives on their minds.“People should not be joining the profession just because they see it as a gateway to someplace else,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and a lot of the times that is the case.”Moreover, she is adamant that while persons should seek to join the profession with a view to improving it, the onus also remains on those who are tasked with selecting the most suitable applicants.Persaud noted that she is not completely satisfied with the state of nursing in Guyana adding that,Jerseys Wholesale, “I would like to see that nurses are allowed to be critical thinkers and are able to take a holistic approach to nursing. From what I have seen I don’t know if it probably has something to do with the ratio of nurses to patients, but there are some nurses who haphazardly do their work and that kind of thing and to me that poses a very big problem.”She further asserted that once nurses with a love for the profession are able to embrace a holistic approach and can completely care for patients, there is likely to be a transformation of the delivery of health care.Importance of ResearchPersaud emphasised that change within the nursing profession could also be realised if research is fully incorporated.“One of the biggest things that I have seen in the BSc Nursing programme is research and that is something that is not introduced in the nursing schools,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys, and it is only through this programme that I have been able to see how important research is to improving nursing.”Persaud, who was ascribed as the Valedictorian for the Nursing programme last year, attaining the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.8, insisted that “if you want to see nursing improving and the vision for nursing being realised, research is the way to go, and that is how you gain respect also. It is not just what I say or what I think, and things like that, it is what I can show.”According to Persaud, there have been instances when other medical personnel refuse to listen to nurses because “you may know things, but you are just a nurse some may think…”But even attempts to advance the research work of nurses who undertake the BSc programme have been faced with some shortcomings, according to Coordinator of the Programme, Afesha Leacock-Marshall.Primary among the challenges is that of funding, as according to her, the programme is currently seeking sponsorship in order to offset its expenses.   She related that the programme has, since its commencement in 2002,Wholesale Jerseys, been thriving on sponsorship with organizations such as the Association of Guyanese Nurses and Allied Professionals (AGNAP) based in England being a very instrumental supporter of research projects. However, she disclosed that “a lot of times we have students who produce very good research and we want to send them to international conferences to showcase their work, but because of financial constraints we are unable to do so.”Dean of the University’s Health Sciences Faculty,Cheap Jerseys From China, Dr. Emanuel Cummings, under whose purview the programme falls, also recently emphasized the importance of research in nursing. He underscored the need for more nurses toNurse Vilma Persaudlearn from their colleagues in the Caribbean, particularly those in Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados. He alluded to a point in time when local nurses would send research work to the Caribbean Health Research Council (CHRC) and papers were accepted and presented and they were recognised.“That is something that I have said that we need to resuscitate. We want to encourage all of our programmes, including nursing, to do research.”He made reference to the fact that a premier function of the university is research, which is essential to determine some of the issues that exist, and to gain the “know how” to address these.Health care in the Region has reached a stage where at the level of the CHRC a research agenda has been established, and Guyana also has a research agenda, Dr. Cummings added.  The research agenda, he noted, is not in isolation of what goes on in the Ministry of Health or the Faculty of Health Sciences. “This research agenda has been put together by key players within the Ministry of Health and also the Faculty of Health Sciences, and so this research agenda was carefully chosen based on the issues we think are of national interest to health care delivery.”“It is crucial that nurses get on board with this movement and seek to do quality research so that answers can be found for a lot of the issues which exist here in the area of nursing education, thereby making an even more significant contribution towards further development,” Dr. Cummings stressed.  By extension, he added, this could see the role of nurses not only being important,Cheap Jerseys, but on par with any other level of health care professional.

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