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…no food shortage during Carifesta X – Agri. MinisterThe modernization of the pig industry in Guyana will lead to more benefits for farmers within that industry.This is according to Minister of Agriculture,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Robert Persaud, who yesterday told pig farmers that,Cheap Jerseys Online, despite limited resources and constraints, the ministry is exploring all possible measures to have the industry not only develop in the short term, but also have the capacity to export pork to other countries.He said the fact that Guyana does not import pork shows that the country is self-sufficient in that area,Cheap Jerseys, and, as such, farmers should now work towards exporting the product.Yesterday, 107 piglets were distributed to farmers in and around the Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara area.Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, along with farmers yesterday during the pig distribution exercise at Garden of Eden,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, East Bank DemeraraThis is the third distribution of improved genetic pig off-springs, which is part of a $40-million programme to improve the pig industry.Persaud told farmers that the project, which is being facilitated through the Guyana Defence Force, will be expanded through the private sector.He added that, in order to expand the sector, the ministry will be offering free training to farmers in order for them to become certified.The farmers who have been receiving support from the ministry,NFL Jerseys Cheap, he said, will in turn have to assist persons who are interested in starting a farm.“Each farmer that receives animals would have to support others who want to get into pig rearing. We have a similar program with sheep and goats,” Persaud said.He encouraged farmers to make full use of the acquisition of new breeding stocks to build their capacities and improve their earnings.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture is investigating reports that some farmers who have received breeding stocks from the artificial insemination programme have been selling the animals for slaughtering.Minister Persaud yesterday said that some employees from his ministry have been fired for carelessness, in some cases, in managing the animals.Once the ministry receives reports that persons are selling the animals or have intentions of doing so, the minister said, officials will confiscate the animals.On June 13 last,China Jerseys Cheap, the Agriculture Ministry announced that it will be distributing new breeds of pigs and Black Belly breeding rams as part of the ministry’s ‘Grow More’ food campaign.This was soon after the launching of the Swine Improvement Programme in April.Farmers, on June 15 last,China NFL Hoodies, were given new breeds of pigs from the Guyana Defence Force Livestock Farm at Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara.During that distribution exercise, Persaud had noted that there has been an increase in the interest shown by livestock farmers in the area of agricultural diversification.Yesterday, also, Persaud congratulated all farmers within the country on their increase in production.He said that the fact that there was no shortage or complaint of shortage of food during Carifesta X highlights the fact that farmers have indeed been producing more.According to him, this is a remarkable achievement for farmers, considering the amount of visitors that are presently in the country.

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