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發表於 2018-10-2 14:47:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The murder trial of the two men who are charged with killing a fireman in 2011 in Berbice is continuing in the Berbice High Court.On trial are Hallman Hunte, 37, of Alness, Corentyne; and Sohan Busgith, 26, of Limlair Village, Corentyne.The men are accused of murdering fireman, Delon Collins, who was 22 at the time. He was shot dead on December 24, 2011, at Lot 21 Alness, Corentyne, Berbice. Collins lived at Lot 84 Vryman’s Erven,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, New Amsterdam, Berbice.They are being tried before Justice Brassington Reynolds and a mixed jury.When the matter continued yesterday, prosecution star witness, Nadine Crawford, 35, the fiancée of the deceased completed her evidence in chief after spending two days on the witness stand. During the time she was crossed examined by Attorney-at-Law, Ramesh Rajkumar, representing Hunte and state-appointed Attorney-at-Law Horatio Edmonson for Busgith.The woman who was led by Prosecutor Attorney-at-Law Judith Gildarie Mursaline had earlier detailed the sequence of events on the night in question.  From the time she left home with Collins and her three children to their arrival back home when they were robbed and he was shot.Jane Hawker, Crawford’s mother, also completed giving evidence during which time she was also crossed examined by the two attorneys at law.She stated that she lived with her daughter and children. However, during her testimony the matter was adjourned for continuation today. She spent the entire day on Wednesday giving her evidence and being cross examined.Attorney Gildarie-Mursaline in her opening address stated that on the day in question, about 23:15 Collins and his fiancée, Probation and Welfare Officer Nadine Crawford, 35, and her three children had just returned from a Christmas Eve shopping spree in Rose Hall Town. Collins was driving the woman’s car, PMM 6332, at the time.They had just entered the woman’s yard at Lot 21 Alness, Corentyne, Berbice, when they were confronted by four men, two of whom were wearing masks and armed with firearms.The men accosted her and demanded cash and jewelry. After relieving her of some jewelry she was wearing, the men demanded more and a bag with cash was thrown from upstairs.The men opened fire hitting Collins in his chest before escaping with a quantity of cash and jewelry.  He was pronounced DOA at the Port Mourant Hospital.A post mortem examination was later done on the body of Collins by Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan at the New Amsterdam Hospital who gave the cause of death as shock and haemorrhage, laceration to the heart and liver and gunshot injuries.Busgith was identified by Crawford at an identification parade. Hunte was arrested some time later and taken to the police station where an ID parade was held and he was picked out.The case is continuing and the prosecution is expected to call 10 witnesses.Deceased Delon Collins

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