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Several Pandits who have successfully completed a training course conducted by the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha on Wednesday received their certificates at a special ceremony held at the Sanskritik Kendra,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown.Dr. Vindya Persaud, Assistant General Secretary of the Dharmic Sabha, explained that after the Kendra (Prashad Nagar) was constructed some time in 1991, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud was the first to begin training for those who were interested in becoming Pandits.However; due to some difficulties such as poor turn out and class sizes the sessions were not as successful as the Organisation had hoped for.Still, the Dharmic Sabha remained committed to such a venture and about five to six years ago it attempted to restart the classes.The persons in charge of these classes were not all Pandits but the team also consisted of persons who were versed in the Sanskritik language and more.Dr. Persaud explained that the Dharmic Sabha has been training and providing facilities for their Pandits to improve their standard of education.These activities have been made possible by collaborative efforts between the organisation and the Indian High Commission.Purshotam Shivraj, the person who is said to have “spearheaded” the training programme, explained that these Pandits have written the Sanskritik and Gita Examinations in 2011/2012 of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Mumbai, India.Kaieteur News understands that there were two batches prior to Wednesday’s graduates who sat the examinations in 2006 and 2008.The latter year saw participants and graduates from both the Kendra and from Berbice.He stated that the results showed maximum passes.  Five pandits wrote level three- Pravesha of Sanskritik examination; three wrote level four- Pariachaya.Nine Pandits wrote Parambha- first level of the Gita Examination; five wrote Pravesha – second level, three Pandits wrote the third and fourth levels Pariachaya and Kovida.All students were successful at the examinations which were set and marked in India.President Donald Ramotar, who was present at the graduation ceremony with his wife, First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, told the gathering that such initiatives are gladly welcomed by the Government of Guyana as it seeks to ensure that persons are well grounded in their roots.He stated that languages play a big role in society and Hinduism should not remain a theory or a concept but it should be put into practice.While the country and the world at large continue to evolve in areas such as science and technology, it is imperative that individuals be firm in their religious beliefs and cultures since they both attribute to someone’s personality, the President acknowledged.It was noted that in today’s society youths may have a more difficult time adjusting and meeting demands in comparison to what was expected many years ago.Therefore religion and culture are both necessary in the lives of both youths and adults.Guyanese live in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society and this allows persons to make tremendous contributions to the country.“Pandits have a big role to play in educating youngsters and we need to ensure that the Hindu culture makes big contributions to the national culture on the whole. This initiative should be seen as a stepping stone and enriches our way of life,” added President Ramotar.Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, stated that it is important to ensure that Pandits receive training since some of the cultures and practices brought to Guyana from India have lost some of their elements.Therefore, training should be done on a regular basis to ensure that these Pandits and others are aware of each step that they must upkeep and conduct their prayers and duties correctly.“Training them makes them aware of how rituals should be done and the manner in which they should be taught to do these makes a big difference. When you know the language, it is even better because sometimes when you get translations, these lose the essence.“By knowing another language you would be able to detect additional things which you can absorb in the original form,” said Dr. Anthony.He added that the Dharmic Sabha and the Indian High Commission should also aim to create linkages so as to allow the possibility of “virtual classrooms” where Guyanese Pandits and persons undergoing training for the Sanskritik language can converse with persons from India.This will allow for the students to improve their language skills. (Kristen Macklingam)

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